83 brave souls came out yesterday in the 93 degree heat and high humidity for our monthly match and training exercise for 11 new safety Officers.
We had seven stages, one was firing from inside a car, double mover to your left and front and static targets to the right and far left. Another stage had you firing from the passenger seat of a moving golf cart, two shots each at nine targets. Luckily you could engage all targets from cover after the cart stopped and you exited.
I didn't feel like I was shooting that well but I did better than I thought. I came out 25/83 overall and was a total of 45 points down for the match and I did zing one non threat. There were five others that had less points down and most accurate was 39.
I wasn't the oldest shooter there but I was in the top three

so I was pretty pleased. I just need to shoot faster.
I got a lot of comments on my SP-01 and another guy on my squad was shooting a CZ 75 and I know of at least three more SP-01 in use.