Author Topic: Second match shooting Production.  (Read 2379 times)

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Offline danno_man

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Re: Second match shooting Production.
« Reply #15 on: July 24, 2014, 09:42:50 PM »
Yeah, wasn't used to this 10 round stuff, used to having 24rds on tap. LOL. 

Watching the videos helped me learn from my mistakes.

Offline pmt

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Re: Second match shooting Production.
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2014, 06:50:42 PM »
When you shoot the Texas Star, DON'T start at the bottom. It will start spinning too fast. Start at the plate closest to the top.

If you're lucky and the top plate is at 12 o'clock the star wont spin when it falls. Either go side to side to balance the weight, or pick a side and let the next plate rotate up to your POA.

If the plates closest to the top are at 1 o'clock  and 11 o'clock - shoot them first. Getting both as quickly as possible will keep the weight down low and the star shouldn't spin yet. Go to either side for your 3rd plate. The extra weight on the opposite side will rotate the remaining 2 plates up to your last shot. 

Never chase the plates, Slow and smooth is faster than using 2 mags for 5 plates.

Simple  ;)