« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2007, 11:00:52 PM »
I contacted Steve on this.
SP01 have full length rods, and the rod needs to flex a bit to install.
Standard 75 rods are short, as there is no hole in the end of the slide through which the rod can protrude.
Still waiting on a viable steel guide rod for a SP01...which is interesting as the American Handgunner video showing disassembly certainly has a SS guide rod installed...?

SP-01, P-01, CZ-75 Compact, CZ-75 Kadet, CZ-40B, CZ-83 Nickel, CZ-52, CZ-70, CZ-50, CZ 700 Sniper, CZ 527 Kevlar, CZ 452 Ultra Lux, CZ 452 American 16", CZ 452 Scout, CZ V22 AR Upper, Sar K2