I'll try to get a pict here, not very good with that kind of technology.
However, I will do my best to verbally describe, I removed mainly from under the trigger guard to provide a 'deeper undercut to allow a 'higher' handhold, plus coupled with removing a large portion of beavertail area and tapering the associated sidewalls to allow my hand to 'grip' it closer thus allowing again a higher handhold, and bringing my medium/large hands to be able to easily reach the mag release and slide stop with little / to no hand repositioning to use said items, also did machine my thin aluminum grips to be only .015" above the frame's for the thinnest possible grip, which allows an improved grip for some, although I do vacillate and switch back to original rubber palm swell grips from time to time. OR, even leave strong hand side original grip on and leave the 'machined thin grip' on the other which allows a better 'thinner' grip profile for CCW as well as what I have observed that individuals grip differently with strong hand vs weak hand, which I have found allows a better weak hand hold with the mentioned machined thin grip.
hope that helps a bit,
I do believe my improvements have improved accuracy, improved felt recoil, improved utilization of the firearm to max potential. I do need to start to research a Cerakote company to complete the upgrade.