ED -
Obviously ANY failure in a firearm used for self defense / carry is cause for some concern. Before changing out every spring in your CZ82 though, I would think the prudent approach would be to first shoot it some more and see if there is another failure.
The magazine with the top round that sits higher and points more upward is certainly suspect. Mark the two mags with a dot of paint or nail polish on the base and see if that is the one that is problematic. Folks often find the follower installed backwards, but I would thing that should affect feeding more than just a single time. CZ82/83 magazines are not hard to disassemble - push the little nipple up against the mag spring pressure to disengage it through the hole in the floorplate, and carefully slide the floorplate off to the front. A good cleaning would be my initial step, followed by some regular shooting.
I purchase the vast majority of my 9x18mm Makarov ammunition online. I have been paying less than 30 cents per round delivered to my front door for steel cased Berdan primed eastern European made ammo, but that is buying 1,000 rounds at a time, and I have to save up for a while to have $300 available before I charge it on my credit card. It is not re-loadable 9x18mm brass, so not finding all the empty cases does not bother me at all, and it is nice to have a decent quantity of Makarov cartridges on hand that shoot fine.
Good luck to you with your pistol. Given the stressful 'hot' spot you were in when you had the failure, it is very possible that 'operator error' was a major factor, but that first round with a different angle and height is a likely indicator of a magazine issue. Check that out, and shoot it some more.