Author Topic: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes  (Read 12745 times)

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Offline leadfootlife

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Tried posting in the original thread but it seems inactive. All the pictures related to this issue are long gone so I'm hoping someone can help me out

I have a cz75b and Kadet kit adapter for it. The 9mm upper functions flawlessly but I've been having issues with stovepipes and FTEs on the kadet kit. Specifically where the casing gets lodged up and behind the newly chambered round. I've put roughly 800 rounds (Fed automatch, Rem golden, CCI) through it and it occurs 1-2 times per mag. I've had no issues with FTF or light strikes.

People in the original thread seemed to have some success with filing down the ejector to mimic the angle on the 9mm. I'm having trouble understanding the process without pictures and was hoping someone with experience can help me out with a diagram or images of exactly where i should be filing. It doesn't seem too complicated but I'm a gun newb so I wanna be sure what I'm doing is right.

Any other suggestions are welcome and thanks for the help in advance :)

Offline leadfootlife

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2014, 08:35:54 PM »
Starting to get discouraged. Lots of views and nobody seems to have any input?
can someone at least suggest any alternatives or another forum/place to ask?

Offline DenStinett

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 12:47:31 AM »
Given that the forward facing edge of the Ejector is at 90o, it would be that the Top Corner needs a Break of 10 - 15o
It doesn't hurt to break it a bit to the rear either
Basically, knock the Corner off back and to the right by 10 - 15o
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Offline leadfootlife

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2014, 01:37:12 AM »
Tell me if I'm understanding properly:

The ejector is attached to the barrel via metal bar. It juts out perpendicular/at 90 degrees to the barrel. The ejectors edge is currently squared. If looking straight down (top down view, gun perpendicular to my body/pointed "downrange") I will be filing the top(edge closest to barrel), right side of the ejector back towards the action and slightly towards my right side with a slope of 10-15 degrees? 

Maybe this diagram helps, maybe it doesn't. This would be looking straight down with the gun parallel to my body :
       [action]              [  e  .]                      [[                barrel                ]]       

the "." is the corner being referenced that needs filing? It would be filed back towards the "e" and beneath it. The corner itself would no longer be squared but sloped at a 10-15 degree angle?


« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 01:40:39 AM by leadfootlife »

Offline DenStinett

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2014, 03:21:52 PM »
I believe you got the right idea
Here's a few drawings (sorry for their quality and my Cell Phone Pics), hope they help:

« Last Edit: July 31, 2020, 07:30:26 PM by DenStinett »
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Offline leadfootlife

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2014, 09:34:59 PM »
That's what I was thinking.

You're awesome, dude. Thanks for taking the time to draw that up and explain it to me

Offline DenStinett

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2014, 09:40:21 PM »
You betchem....
Help you get it running right
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Offline rjn

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2014, 06:17:56 PM »
New to this board and looking to fix my Kadets FTE issues. I'm not seeing the angle or precise area that needs to be filed on the ejector. Would it be possible to post pictures of the filed down ejector? Or PM me and I'll give you my email.

Offline DenStinett

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2014, 07:13:58 PM »
Hey rjn:
Welcome to the Forum
I'll try and get a few (clear) pics posted as soon as I can
But to try and clarify the Drawings....
In all the Drawings, the Muzzle is pointed to the right
The Top Right / Front Corner of the Ejector is the area that needs filing
You're basically just knocking the Point off of that Corner at approx 10 - 15o
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Offline rjn

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2014, 01:18:33 AM »
Thanks for the description. Not 100% sure yet on the angle needed. A photo would really help. Thanks, rjn

Offline Joe L

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2014, 08:13:15 AM »
Photos...This is as much as you might need to remove, as this gun functions 100%.  I remember doing something to this ejectory maybe 3 years ago, don't have an untouched one to compare it to. 

I took a picture of the breech face while I had the gun broken down.  See how the firing pin hole fills with powder residue.  Also see the gunk under the extractor and filling in the recess for the rim of the bullet.  This needs to be cleaned with a pick every 500 rounds or so and the firing pin removed and the gunk in the hole pushed out of the firing pin channel from the hammer end. 

But no, I did not clean it this morning.  Not necessary quite yet. 

Failure to eject is also affected by the slide velocity which is affected by lubricant choice and the hammer spring as well as the recoil spring.  I use slide glide light in the summer, but I have to add some oil when the temps get down to 40-50 degrees F or below.  I use only oil most of the winter and a 17# hammer spring year round.  I don't replace the recoil spring very often at all.  Only when the gun starts failing to go in to battery completely when the ramp has a little grunge on it. 

So, after you make a little modification to the ejector, try some light oil like Rem Oil on the slide rails and see if that doesn't help some too.  If the 22 casings are falling at your feet, you have a slide velocity problem.  Mine land 5-10 feet away at about 4 o'clock with the ejector shape shown above if the target is at 12.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2014, 08:15:11 AM by Joe L »
CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2014, 08:44:40 PM »
Why would a manufacturer ship a product (Kadet Kit) that carries the very same un-remedied defect, year after year,  and does not work out of the box for so many? 

Offline Joe L

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2014, 08:59:06 PM »
PJM--I don't think the Kadet has a big problem, since I can't even remember having much of a problem before making what little change I made.  It's been years since I had a problem.  There are plenty of people who haven't had any problems or had to make any changes. 

Also, keep in mind that heavy grease, weak ammo, and dirty chambers cause plenty of ejection problems in CZ's, Rugers, Kimbers, GSGs, and any other 22 pistol. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline DenStinett

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2014, 10:04:42 PM »
Like Joe is saying....
You gotta remember; the Kadet Upper, or the Kadet Kit was designed to run on a "NON" modified Lower
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Offline Tok36

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Re: Help with filing the ejector on my kadet kit to fix FTE/Stovepipes
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2014, 10:23:49 PM »
My Kadet 2 has run fine so far stock on my stock CZ85B frame. Thanks for the great pics DenStinett & Jo L, ill save them for future reference.
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)