No the IDPA rule book states it is the shooters choice to decock or cocked and locked( safety engaged). In CDP or ESP. If your gun has a decocker you must decock it before holstering. SSP you must decock it. By manually lowering hammer or decocker.
I'm not exactly clear on what you are saying, so let me rephrase
The pistol's condition of readiness are as follows:
1. Single action pistols must start cocked with the safety on
2. DA/SA pistols with no decocker can start EITHER cocked and locked OR with the hammer manually lowered to its lowest position (half cock not allowed). If starting hammer down, the safety can be engaged at shooter's discretion
3. DA/SA pistols with decocker MUST have the hammer lowered using the decocker and the hammer can stop wherever the decocker lowers it to (half cock notch on CZ pistols for ex)
1. Single action handguns not allowed
2. DA/SA pistols with no decocker MUST start with the hammer manually lowered to its lowest position (half cock not allowed). The safety can be engaged at shooter's discretion
3. DA/SA pistols with decocker MUST have the hammer lowered using the decocker and the hammer can stop wherever the decocker lowers it to (half cock notch on CZ pistols for ex)
In all cases the hammer must be dropped on an empty chamber by pressing the trigger (never by using a decocker) at the command "hammer" by the SO when unloading and showing clear.