Author Topic: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)  (Read 7453 times)

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Offline trgt

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2014, 01:00:54 PM »
FWIW, Several CZs I have that are CZ 'custom' guns have no serial number on the upper or barrel (Accu-Shadow and CTS LS-B .40)

I'd personally go for the option where you have them grind the serial # off and re-polycoat, then you have a nice shadow upper for this gun or anything else laster w/o worry. Then if it tests/groups well, you are golden.

BTW, I think you are a little lucky to get a Shadow, especially if it is a sub $1000 non-custom one since you are talking about potential custom work. If you notice, CZ-USA no longer lists the non-custom shadows as a catalog item, so I think the only way to get these is if something still floating around un-sold - I don't know if AA or CZC still selling these or if the way demand is all of them are shipping as custom or Accu models now?
A81079 | Carry Optics Accu-Shadow | Czechmate

Offline valvestem

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #16 on: October 01, 2014, 01:33:31 PM »
If I purchased a new CZ, I would expect and want matching part serial numbers.  Everyone knows that it is practically a standard, that anything with serialized parts has matching numbers.

Offline Canuck44

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2014, 02:35:18 PM »
I doubt there is any logical reason for there not to be Shadows in the US.  If they are in abundance up here (well relatively in abundance) there should be no reason for you folks not to have any.  I know the Canadian market is much smaller than the US so it may just be a case where American shooters are discovering how good the Shadow is in USPSA Production Division.  I did note the Shadowline is not listed on CZ USA catalog which was odd or I may have just missed it.

Take Care

Je Suis Charlie

Offline trgt

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2014, 07:36:08 PM »
Canuk44, I don't disagree with you but look at the CZ-USA catalog, the only shadows in the current line-up are CZ Custom models, no longer any base ones:
 - SP01 Shadow Target (CZ Custom) $1361
 - SP01 Accu-Shadow (CZ Custom) $1715
and under discontinued, among others
 - CZ 75 Shadow
and mysteriously no where, SP-01 Shadow. I'm pretty sure I remember the base CZ75 Shadow and SP01 Shadow models in the catalog last year as current models.
A81079 | Carry Optics Accu-Shadow | Czechmate

Offline Superlow1200T

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2014, 09:56:42 PM »
The reason that there are serial numbers on barrels from CZ is due to Czech regulations that treat barrels individually as controlled items. If the fitting is proper and it shoots well as a gun from CZC should, I wouldn't worry about it even if it's not normal to have non-matching barrel and slide/frame serial numbers. Just IMHO.

Good info.  I had wondered about the SN on the barrel.  If it were my gun I would not care as long as the fit, finish, and function were up to par.
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Offline PJM

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #20 on: October 02, 2014, 03:43:53 PM »
When I read complaints where good common sense and good business practices don't step in to resolve it I wonder if I have seen ALL the facts.  CZ is a top drawer company.  I am comfortable that the OP is a class guy.  So why hasn't the problem been resolved between the two?  We never hear form CZ -which is what I would expect in that resolving customer complaints in the public forum is not the way I'd handle it.  If the numbers don't match, and if CZ agrees there is no intervening cause, then it would be incumbent upon CZ to make it right with the OP -all costs included.

If CZ is in  possession of information where someone else caused the mis-matching numbers then CZ does not owe the OP anything. 

Offline keshishian101

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #21 on: October 02, 2014, 04:39:07 PM »
Just a quick update; cz custom is a top notch company, and in no way am I implying they haven't done more than what I was expecting.  The hang up has been on my ffl. I spoke with two different people and got two different answers as to how they will handle it. I spoke with the vice president of the company this morning,  and they are willing to wave all fees except the dros. With they cant. I know this seems like a no Brainer, but again I live in California where gun laws are very different.  At this point I'm very pleased with the outcome of the entire situation so far.

Offline Tok36

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #22 on: October 02, 2014, 06:43:15 PM »
Good deal man. Glad to hear things are coming around.
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #23 on: October 02, 2014, 08:24:34 PM »
Glad to hear they're taking care of you.
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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #24 on: October 02, 2014, 08:36:30 PM »
Everyone knows that it is practically a standard, that anything with serialized parts has matching numbers.
You would be wrong about that.

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2014, 08:44:49 PM »
Provided the gun was fitted correctly and functioned and was accurate, I would have kept it.

The concern you have is of a cosmetic and Czech legal nature and has nothing to do with matched, fitted parts on your pistol.

Most European countries require that the slide, frame, and barrel of a handgun all bear the same serial number from the factory.  That requirement does not exist in the US, and if you care to look, no American-made handgun has the serial number anywhere but on the frame.  Despite the fact that US made pistols have no serialized components does not imply that their parts are not well fitted together.  Even to this day, S&W revolvers WILL NOT function without a good deal of hand fitting of parts in its fire control system yet none of them bear the gun's serial number.

In my line of work (and in many other manufacturing businesses) serialized components are used for lot control purposes and the serial numbers of the components parts of an assembly almost never bear the serial number of the assembly itself.  That in no way renders serialization useless or imply a lesser degree of quality.

Offline burlycz

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2014, 12:29:39 PM »
FWIW, my new CZ custom direct from CZC does not have matching serials.  The FFL/LGS thought it was odd,  and questioned it at checkout. Only the frame matters in the US. If it shoots well, I probably won't complain.

Offline Canuck44

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2014, 06:08:37 PM »
FWIW, my new CZ custom direct from CZC does not have matching serials.  The FFL/LGS thought it was odd,  and questioned it at checkout. Only the frame matters in the US. If it shoots well, I probably won't complain.

Somebody along the line switched long as you are happy.  They didn't leave the Czech Republic that way.

Je Suis Charlie

Offline 2morechains

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Re: first CZ, not what I expected(serial numbers dont match)
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2014, 07:49:40 PM »

My 2014 CZ-75 SP-01 (came from CZC) only has the serial number on the frame.

My 2012 CZ-75 Shadow (also came from CZC) has matching serial numbers on the frame, slide, and barrel. Fortunately they match.