So if IDPA stresses accuracy over speed as some claim, why is the entire head of an IDPA target a -0 zone when on a USPSA metric target it is delineated into an A/B zone? The A-zone on a metric target (the -0 pt equivalent) is a mere 2" x 3" box, surrounded by a 6" x 6" B-zone which scores -1 or -2 pts depending if shooting major or minor PF...
A D-zone hit and a Mike is -14 pts if shooting minor. That hurts your score in this game and your match finish won't suffer too many of those even with speed. Granted, -14 pts on a 32 rnd long course (160 pts) is less painful than say on a 6 rnd (30 pt) short course, but on that long course you'd have to make up about 2 secs of time to mitigate that many points down assuming a HF stage of 7-ish.
I shot a USPSA match today where we had a lot of partial hardcover and NS covered metric targets at 20+ yds. Not exactly what I would consider a hose fest with wide open targets at bad-breath distances... Accuracy was key today (as was foot work, stage plan, reloads, and reloading while retreating...).