I've gone a little overboard on the compact CZs. Yesterday I took my newly Cajunized P01 to the range for it's post-upgrade maiden voyage. Wow, what a sweet shooter. I am still a tad more accurate with my two CZ compacts but I really enjoyed shooting the P01. So, I have two compacts, a P01 and a RAMI. I also have a fully Cajunized P07 on order from David at CGW. I expect to receive that in about 2-3 weeks. Now I am wondering if I should get a P02, or maybe a Canik to tune and enjoy? I am curious about how a P02, fully upgraded, would compare to the rest. I quit worrying about what niche to fill as any possible justification, at this point, is moot. I have more than what I need for any defensive purposes. Now, I'm just having fun. So, a P02? A Canik? Or maybe I should buy a backup for the RAMI, lol.