After putting a 13# CGW hammer spring with the CGW extended firing pin, I NEEDED to go to a 20# recoil spring (from Wolff) in my P-01 and to a 22# recoil spring (Wolff) in my P-06. With the stock P-01 recoil spring, the accuracy was terrible until increasing the recoil spring. I first tried a factory new spring (no help), then a Wolff 18# recoil spring (a slight improvement), then a return to the original accuracy of the P-01 after I installed the Wolff 20# recoil spring.
With my P-06, the spent casings were being ejected over 20 feet. When I installed the 22# recoil spring from Wolff, that ejection distance reduced to about 10-12 feet, and functioned perfectly. The Wolff Spring website, recommends installing a heavier recoil spring first, and if the pistol fails to function correctly, then install the next weaker recoil spring, continuing until proper functioning is achieved. They also state the optimum ejection distance is about 8 feet, as I remember, but I think 10-12 is okay also, JMHO. Hope this helps.