I have learned allot about the mechanics of CZ75 pistols and what is possible through DIY and custom shop upgrades over the last year. There are still many things i have to learn. One of the things i still wanted to explore was the potential of a hand fitted Disconnector in a non-Fring Pin Block (FPB) CZ.
I finely got around to fitting a CGW Type 3 Disco. I decided to fit this disco to my SP-01 Safety model. Before doing this work i had already added many of the available custom parts and done a full polishing job on the internals. I then put about 2000 rounds through this SP-01, after which it sat it the safe for a few months while my attention was held by other guns. While my SP-01 was sleeping California Single Shot Exemption (SSE) went away. I managed to acquire quite a few off list pistols while SSE was still running, all of them were CZ's. The CZ addiction at work.
I am quite happy and lucky to have gotten as many of the pistols i wanted before time ran out, but.... there were a few that got away. One of which was a CZ75 SP-01 Shadow. So i decided to see how close i could get my SP-01 Safety model to a Shadow, using my CZC CZ75 Shadow Custom as a comparison.
As i mentioned above my SP-01 already had allot of the available upgrades, but was still FPB equipt. So the first thing i did was pull the FPB plunger out of its slide and replaced the FPB lifter with a spacer. I then went to work fitting the CGW type 3 disco. I had a great guide and reference in this thread:
http://www.czfirearms.us/index.php?topic=61135.15 It took 6 disassembly / reassemblies to fit my T3 disco. (
Edit Note: It is a good idea to test your T3 disco right out of the package, in some cases they require very little to no fitting, every pistol is different). Things got faster as i went. By the end of this process i could put everything back together in around a minute. I also picked up on some of the nuances of the disco trigger bar interaction in a CZ. While some things about this interaction are still unclear to me, in general it is a little less mysterious. It was also allot of fun. I am interested in playing around with fitting some of the other parts in my CZ's. It seams there may be something to gain from adjusting the lower leg of the sear or the FPB lifter arm. I plan on fitting another disco and a few other parts for one of my FPB CZ's to see how short i can get the reset.
In the end i am quite pleased. My SP-01 ended up with less SA pre-travel than my CZ75 Shadow Custom. On SA reset the trigger of this SP-01 stops dead in its tracks. I love tinkering with these pistols. At my current level of skill, i cannot take full advantage of many of the upgrades in my CZ's, so i do it for the enjoyment of completing the work my self and learning more about the design and function of the CZ 75 variant platform. With the available parts provided by the great custom shops that support CZ's, allot can be accomplished and much fun can be had.
Here are a few pics and a video to illustrate.The T.3 Disco fitting was accomplished with a Dremel and a diamond cutting bit. (Covered in the thread i linked above)The fitted T.3 Disco, at this profile my SP-01 would reset in SA. In the guide i linked above a vise was used to hold the disco while it was being fitted. I did not have access to a vice so i made due and held the disco in one hand and the Dremel in the other. A vise would have made the job of maintaining a flat face on the disco easier. Painting the face of the disco before you cut is also a good option for achieving a flat disco face (mentioned in the guide linked above). Edit: to add pic from later in the thread.
A CGW T.2 Disco for reference. (for FPB CZ's) The type 2 Disco is thinner than a type 1 or 3, allowing for the function of a FPB and designed to work with the CGW Short Reset System A stock CZ75 SP-01 Disco for reference. The stock disco is thinner again than any of the CGW discos and is designed to work with the stock FPB lifter arm. Stock Disco, Trigger bar interface - Side View for reference. Stock Disco, Trigger bar interface - Top View for reference. Note for Non FPB CZs: The thicker the disco is, the less SA Pre-Travel there will be. Too thick and the disco will not allow the trigger bar far enough forward to slip under the foot of the sear and the action will not reset. The goal is to leave the disco as thick as possible, while still allowing enough trigger bar travel for a consistent reset.
75 Shadow Custom at rest SA trigger position.My SP-01 at rest SA trigger position.A short video comparison. (watch the volume, my fans are loud, don't get blasted)SP-01 with T.3 Disco first. CZ75 Shadow Custom second.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElWs2aJpjoA