Just took delivery of my SA today. After reading posts about plastic triggers, I was pleased to see that this one came with a solid looking/feeling metal trigger (looks "anodized"; is it aluminum or steel?) This thing is so cool -I like the subtle differences from the std 75B, e.g. beavertail & "flat" sides on the foreend/slide area.
What do you use for cleaning the polycoat models? I'm assuming solvent is still OK for the barrel once it is removed. But what about the rest of the internals & the external finish? I have been using "BreakFree CLP" on a stainless revolver I have - would this harm my CZ?
Can't wait to shoot it, but know I got to clean the shipping-goop off first.
Also, how common is it for relatively new pistol-shooters (no law-enforcement background or other formal training) to get involved in USPSA shooting, & what kind of preparation is recommended?
Finally, I have nice things to say about the retail dealer where I bought my SA - they don't stock it, were willing to do a FFL transfer (CA) from my preferred online dealer for reasonable fee, but ultimately just offered to order it f
or me at lower over-all cost to me. Is there an appropriate place on this forum to post a kind word about them?