The CZ-USA catalog tells me:
"The Omega features a simpler, more robust version of the 75's trigger system. The interlocking design of the trigger mechanism's parts allows for easy disassembly and reassembly without the need for tools, so taking the pistol down beyond a basic fieldstrip is much easier than on a standard 75."
My (Omega) Instruction Manual makes no mention of this operation. Following the section on 'Stripping for cleaning',
it warns me--
No further disassembly of your pistol is recommended. Should your pistol require adjustment or repair be sure the task is entrusted to a competent gunsmith!"
So which is it:
a) "easy" or
b) requires the services of a gunsmith?
WTF? How hard can it be??
Would someone please enter a link to a site that will explain exactly how this is done?