Author Topic: Attaching Safariland QLS Fork to Blade-tech Retention Holster  (Read 4810 times)

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Offline Flyfishdave

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Recently acquired a CZ and wanted a decent retention holster to use for run and gun 2/3-gun stuff.  Safariland does not offer anything for the CZ Accu Shadow or even the SP01 but Bladetech does.

Ordered a WRS Level 2 duty holster with their Gen2 D/OS belt hanger (uses a 3rd binding post) for a CZ SP01 Shadow and went to work......

All the screws and binding posts for the hanger were secured with loctite from the factory and the location within the holster made it impossible to engage the slots to stop them from spinning while torquing the screws out.  Used a hacksaw to cut the screws on the side closest to the hanger  - you'll need to salvage the binding posts.  A creme brulee torch was used to heat the binding posts, then a cheap pair of side-cutting wire cutters was used to engage what little screw was exposed to start the removal process.  You'll need to hold the post with something (needle nose pliers) as it's pretty hot.  Soak the posts in some alcohol to loosen and remove the loctite.

Next, use the torch to heat the muzzle end of the holster for the SP01 Shadow to Accu Shadow AUS Barrel conversion:

Untitled by Dave, on Flickr

Next, if you plan on carrying in condition 1, you'll need to cut a notch in rotating hood to allow for the hammer to clear with the hood closed:

Untitled by Dave, on Flickr

The Bladetech Gen2 D/OS hanger uses a 3rd binding post to help secure and stabilize the connection.  Likely better in a duty application as well.  You'll want to utilize this 3rd point to secure the QLS fork:

Untitled by Dave, on Flickr

The positions of the binding posts seen above are pretty close to the pre-drilled holes in the QLS fork.  The OEM hanger actually used the two sets of holes above the top two posts.  The bottom hole doesn't align perfectly with the QLS fork so you'll have to cut a relief for the 3rd screw:

Untitled by Dave, on Flickr

Untitled by Dave, on Flickr

The new hole in the QLS fork was biased to give the holster a slightly forward cant....basically copied the cant used with my G34 Safariland holster.  Using the same plastic/rubber spacers, the Safariland binding post screws with the knurled 'locking' surface was used to secure the fork to the holster:

Untitled by Dave, on Flickr

Voila!  Ready for the QLS receiver!!
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 02:20:46 PM by Flyfishdave »