Author Topic: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**  (Read 6408 times)

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Offline 71velle

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2015, 09:29:23 PM »
I got them from a LGS that ordered them direct.  about $115 after tax which I thought was a good deal. 

I plan to shoot on Saturday, but I have spent some time walking around the house to check them out in different lighting and I am very happy. 

Offline Independent George

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2015, 09:45:48 PM »
I got them from a LGS that ordered them direct.  about $115 after tax which I thought was a good deal. 

I plan to shoot on Saturday, but I have spent some time walking around the house to check them out in different lighting and I am very happy.
Holy crap - that's phenomenal! I paid full price ordering from TruGlo.
CZ-75 SP-01 Tactical; CZ-75 D PCR; CZ-83 Satin Nickel; CZ 2075 RAMI BD; Kadet 2

Offline puddintame

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2015, 09:46:02 PM »
I got them from a LGS that ordered them direct.  about $115 after tax which I thought was a good deal. 

I plan to shoot on Saturday, but I have spent some time walking around the house to check them out in different lighting and I am very happy.
if I could find those for $115 I would buy them in a heartbeat. they are $172 plus shipping on the sight :-\

Offline Baerman

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2015, 10:12:23 PM »
I'm thinking about these sights for my P-01 but I need to pick up the gun first. 

Offline puddintame

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #19 on: July 17, 2015, 08:17:02 PM »
I just picked up a set on ebay for $119. there going to on either my PCR or SP01. prolly the PCR

Offline 71velle

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #20 on: July 19, 2015, 02:23:14 PM »
I have had them to the range twice now and like them. 

Offline Badger54

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2015, 08:57:30 PM »
Thanks for the information!

Offline dbbowen

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #22 on: September 29, 2015, 11:37:12 PM »
Man, I hope you used paypal. Wait and see if they show up, if they dont contact paypal if you used them, or ebay


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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 2015, 05:12:32 AM »
The only person on ebay that has them is a seller named DFWSELECT.  I ordered a set 7 days ago, and the tracking number he provided does not work. When I emailed him, he told me it was MY problem.
 There goes $119 bucks.

So buyer beware.

Here was his reply when I ask him why the tracking number don't work, and where was my sights at.

No idea. All I can do is place it in the mail. It sounds like it is your job to get it the rest of the way. Many times they fail to scan it every time. Sorry but I can not be any more help.

BUT HE GOT PAID.  I'd say I just got ripped off.

I do alot with ebay buying and selling  so if the provided tracking shows no activity and it is past the estimated delivery date I'd file an claim for an item not received and let ebay handle it for you. The process takes a bit of time but you will get your money back. The seller if he has any integrity will usually refund you pretty quickly but if he doesn't ebay will refund your money and charge him back through paypal.


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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 2015, 10:58:08 PM »
Man, I hope you used paypal. Wait and see if they show up, if they dont contact paypal if you used them, or ebay
[I do alot with ebay buying and selling  so if the provided tracking shows no activity and it is past the estimated delivery date I'd file an claim for an item not received and let ebay handle it for you. The process takes a bit of time but you will get your money back. The seller if he has any integrity will usually refund you pretty quickly but if he doesn't ebay will refund your money and charge him back through paypal.
I got my Truglo's  unannounced this afternoon. The post office NEVER scanned the tracking number.  Even though they were late, I did get them thankfully. So I removed the warning info. Looks like the guy did follow through, but the post office sure didn't.

Offline dbbowen

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2015, 11:41:31 PM »
Glad to hear good news on this, hope you like the sights.

Offline FilcoRumHam

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #26 on: October 01, 2015, 12:30:39 PM »
Phew, glad they showed up. Those sights look great. I've yet to punch out sights, little nervous about that. I can deal with roll pins and such with no problem... But I'm eventually going to have to change out the fake-glo sights on my compact. Brass punch is on the way!


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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #27 on: October 01, 2015, 04:53:20 PM »
I have not installed them as of yet.  The POA/ POI issue has me hesitant. On another thread, the OP says they are 4 inches low @ 15 yards.  My new 75BD has very dim sights, but they are dead on @ 25, and hitting bulls @50 is dead center aiming at the top of the bull.  I may install the rear and try it 1st, and see what changes that makes. I would really prefer to keep the BD sighted in for longer range.  CZC has fiber optics in different heights in stock. So I may get with CZC and see what fiber optics are POI @ 50. These TFX have no glo what so ever with out direct sunlight, in total darkness, nothing.. In direct sunlight they glow very bright.  So I'm kinda dragging my feet. I really hate to screw up the great accuracy of the 75BD.   And the stock sights on my PCR are actually pretty good in low light and do glow in the dark. I really have not quite decided yet what to do. These TRX would make a great set for a daytime range gun. 

Offline FilcoRumHam

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Re: Any reason not to get TFX sights? ** Ordered**Installed**
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2015, 05:23:14 PM »
My sights are also super accurate, but these 'shine light on them and they glow' things are useless.

Before I swap out sights, I'm going to try using acetone to remove the blow paint and redo it with proper gloss white enamel. This worked out very well on my 1911; they simply wipe clean and hole up great.