Author Topic: new to CZ, PCR any good?  (Read 9558 times)

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Offline ZardozCZ

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2015, 04:26:19 PM »
I just traded my PCR to get a P-01. Wanted the rail. Really like both but could only keep one. The rail was the deciding factor for me.

If CZ made a RAMI single stack that was narrower all around I'd likely buy it sight unseen. For my hands the smaller RAMI just isn't as comfortable and it isn't thin enough to take the place of my Kahr. Sure wish a CZ single stack were in the works, stainless too while I'm dreaming.

Mind the comments on liking CZ so much you'll be eyeing others soon. Try a 452 rifle and you'll have a whole new passion for plinking!
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Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2015, 12:25:56 AM »
QBToo....thanks so much for the heads up on the sight replacement issue on the PCR. It took a bit, but I found a picture of what you are talking about, which is a bit of an concern since I would have assumed I could install night sights without issue. I would never have known about it without your comment.

I took a good hard look at the P-01, which would not have this issue I am told, but to be honest, I have no need for a rail on a concealed carry gun, preferring to use a handheld flashlight, and the "blocky" look of the front of the pistol just does not appeal to me. If I wanted blocky, I'd still be carrying a Glock, lol. The PCR is just calling my name, and I keep looking at it online. It just seems too "cool" to pass on. So I will try it first with the standard sights, and if I can't live with them, I will have the night sights installed and learn to live with that small section of the slide top without serrations.

Now my only slight dilemma is, given that I already have the RAMI, should my second CZ be a PCR, or something larger? One of the earlier posters seems to have been right. These things are like a drug and once you get started you don't want to quit. I can see myself owning a mini-collection of CZ's.

Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2015, 12:36:54 AM »
ZardozCZ - saw your comment after I posted my latest. Funny how we have made some of the same choices. I'm like you and really don't care for the RAMI with the 10 rounder installed, but I guess it is nice to have the option. I'm carrying mine in a strong side belt holster with the 14 rounder in place, because I find it gives me a much better draw from concealment that way. It is backed up by two additional 14 rounders on my off side in a pouch. I spent so much time as a cop that I feel a bit naked without two spares, even though I intellectually know I probably won't need 42 rounds for anything. I don't carry the 15th round in the RAMI, or the 11th for that matter with the short mags, because every mag I have rattles badly when fully loaded, which annoys me. When I chamber the top round, it stops. Not sure why this happens, but that is how I get around it.

I really don't have any trouble concealing it this way under a light shirt, and I'm guessing that in this mode it feels a lot like a PCR. For anything smaller, like carry in a shorts pocket here in sunny Florida, my little Kahr gets the nod. I'd love to see a single stack CZ subcompact as well.

Offline viking499

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2015, 12:41:55 AM »
Get a PCR and try it out.  If you don't like the sights, then you can swap them.  I have a PCR and love it.  When I added the Mepro sights, I wasn't sure about the looks.  But, I got used to it.  Do I wish it didn't have the "shelf" on top, yes.  But I have learned to live with it.  The way it feels and shoots makes up for a little cosmetic issue it may have after the sight swap.

I have also added VZ grips to mine.

Offline RhodyCZ

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2015, 12:03:45 PM »
Of the CZ pistols I have owned or shot, the PCR is one of my absolute favorites.  With the exception of a couple of CZC guns I have shot, mine is the most accurate CZ I have fired. I don't think you can go wrong with a PCR. 


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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2015, 05:52:04 PM »
Sounds like you never handled or shot a CZ so I'm going to do you a big favor a tell you the straight up truth about these guns. Leave them alone, forget what you read and never ever pick one up. They are like crack or redheads or garlic curly fries; you love'm but they cost you money, lots of money. I know you think I'm exaggerating but once you shoot one things will change. You'll buy a PCR and it will be a joy to shoot. Soon you're going through ammo like a kid in a candy store. You're groups will shrink and then you'll start thinking about local competition shooting. Say hello to your new SP01. Then you'll want parts and fancy holsters. One day you'll see a deal on a 40P and it will follow you home and it can go next to the Kadet kit. By this time you'll be up to 1,000 posts here and reading all the sub forums. That's when you'll think you need a rifle. The worst part is there is no cure.

FYI my PCR is my favorite CZ.

Good Luck

He is 100% right.  1st I bought a rifle because I couldn't find a 22 mag for varmints that was up to my standards for a tack driver. My 455 Varmint will keyhole the target @ 100, and hit pop cans @ 250 yards. The rifles accuracy is absolutely amazing.
Then after carrying a Beretta 92 since 1990, ( and still owing several)  I picked up a 75d PCR compact while looking for a small 9mm for the wife for CCW. I bought it on the spot.  She loved shooting the PCR as did I, but it was just a tic big for her purpose, So I took her to the shop to handle a 2075 bd Rami, which she absolutely loved, we bought her the Rami, and I kept the PCR. WIN WIN.
As far as the 75PCR compact, even after almost 25 years of CC with the Beretta 92fs, I find myself picking up the CZ 75d PCR  more and more when I go out. The 1st huge surprise was when, ( with 1.2 inces less barrel) it out groups my 92's. I shot several hundred rounds off the bench with both the PCR and 92 just to make certain this was really happening. IT WAS.  The 92 is supposed to hold a 3' moa @ 50 yards, which it does, but the 75d compact holds about 1.5.  The wifes Rami is also very impressive.  CZ's are amazing, and addictive.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2015, 05:55:13 PM by DCD2015 »

Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2015, 06:47:39 PM »
DCD2015...since you have both pistols, let me ask your opinion. Do you notice much difference in the "feel" of the PCR in your hand, versus the RAMI with the 14 round magazine in place? If it feels different to you, can you describe how? Your thoughts on any other differences would be appreciated as well. Thanks.

Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2015, 04:26:53 PM » took a few days because I'm old and slow on the uptake, but I finally understood from some other reading what you were saying about the RAMI being a product of the Colt Z-40 project. I carried and competed with 1911's for years, so now I sort of "get it" why the RAMI with the extended magazine feels so familiar. In fact, I dug out my Colt Commander and compared it and the grip angle is identical, and when looking at a side by side picture with the PCR, I can see that they are subtly different. This was one of those "head slap" moments.

Since you have both pistols, I'd like to ask...does your PCR point any differently than your RAMI? It would almost look like it would, sort of like the difference between a 1911 with a flat mainspring housing versus a curved one, or the Glock 17 vs the Glock 19. I would think that if the RAMI points perfectly in my hand, then the PCR might point slightly higher, but probably not by much.

Your thoughts? Sorry to be a pain but I can't find a PCR to even pick up around here. Thanks.

Offline Jaems

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2015, 05:27:18 PM »
I carried Walthers PPK or PP for years.  Even tried their polymer line.  The PPQ has the best out of the box trigger you can find and it fits your hand like a glove.  However, I am not a striker fire person.  I prefer safeties or a decocker on my carry weapons. 

So I replaces the PPQ with a Sig M11-A1.  I carried this one until I picked up a CZ 75 D compact and walked right out the door with it, about $525 lighter.   It is now my carry weapon of choice.   The CZ fits my hand like the PPQ.  The  trigger will need some work for the DA, because the triggers on the PPQ and Sig have spoiled me.  However with the hammer at half cock it  is shorter and easier to pull.  The CZ  slides right into my Galco Miami Vice shoulder holster (for my Sig M11-A1 (P228/9), and about 3 ounces lighter than the Sig. 

Mine feeds and shoot whatever round I have tried from FMJ and JHP to commercial or reloads. 


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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2015, 08:08:56 PM »
DCD2015...since you have both pistols, let me ask your opinion. Do you notice much difference in the "feel" of the PCR in your hand, versus the RAMI with the 14 round magazine in place? If it feels different to you, can you describe how? Your thoughts on any other differences would be appreciated as well. Thanks.

Yes, I do notice a different feel. Although I don't handle her Rami very much.  I love the ergonomics on the rubber gripped PCR. For some reason, the Rami feels like its fatter. Hard to explain I guess. But the Rami has plastic grips also, so maybe that's it. With the 10 round clip. my pinkie touches nothing. The 14 round with the extender feels ok, but  I am aware that my pinkie is on something different than the grip. . So its kinda a distraction to me.  The whole thing might be just me, from years of carrying a full size 92. DUNNO?  I cant shoot her LCR as good as she can either.  The small grips seem to affect my 'feel & accuracy'.  She has excellent accuracy with both Rami & LCR sub compacts.
  But her small hands the  10 round clip fit is pretty much perfect, and the 14 round don't matter to her because her pinkie never touches the extender anyway. .  And the Rami also seems to have just a tic more recoil.  If theres any difference in the groups the PCR & Rami hold, its so close its hard to tell.  I would recommend either one, but I prefer the rubber grips.  I ran about 200 rounds through my PCR and my favorite 92fs yesterday. At 25 yards I was holding pretty much a 4 inch group with the PCR & about a 6 inch on the 92. And I know both these two will hold about a 1 to 1.5 inch group off the bench at that range. I seem to shoot better with the PCR. Which in itself is kinda odd since the PCR has about 1. 3/4 shorter sight radius.  I think its the CZ ergonomics & rubber grips. I ordered a set of hogue  thin rubber grips for the 92, so we will see.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 08:18:48 PM by DCD2015 »

Offline Bible2David

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2015, 08:18:00 PM »
DCD2015...since you have both pistols, let me ask your opinion. Do you notice much difference in the "feel" of the PCR in your hand, versus the RAMI with the 14 round magazine in place? If it feels different to you, can you describe how? Your thoughts on any other differences would be appreciated as well. Thanks.
I believe the PCR has a better feel because of the rounded back on the grip.


« Last Edit: July 14, 2015, 08:20:23 PM by Bible2David »


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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2015, 08:22:58 PM »
DCD2015...since you have both pistols, let me ask your opinion. Do you notice much difference in the "feel" of the PCR in your hand, versus the RAMI with the 14 round magazine in place? If it feels different to you, can you describe how? Your thoughts on any other differences would be appreciated as well. Thanks.
I believe the PCR has a better feel because of the rounded back on the grip.


That's probably part of it. The PCR does have a pretty good radius cut in the back strap, where the Rami is almost straight. That's the main reason I like the 92FS because of the radius cut. But is no where near as deep as the PCR. Seem to give me a much better "purchase" on the weapon.

Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2015, 10:15:15 PM »
DCD2015...nice grips on the RAMI, where did they come from?

Offline Bible2David

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2015, 03:55:41 PM »
DCD2015...nice grips on the RAMI, where did they come from?
I will answer your question since the RAMI belongs to me and not DCD2015.  I got them from another member on the forum - BGlas.  You can search for him.  He has a web page but I cannot remember it's address.

Offline eastman

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2015, 08:49:35 PM »
DCD2015...nice grips on the RAMI, where did they come from?
I will answer your question since the RAMI belongs to me and not DCD2015.  I got them from another member on the forum - BGlas.  You can search for him.  He has a web page but I cannot remember it's address.

I think the site you are think of is
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