Author Topic: new to CZ, PCR any good?  (Read 9611 times)

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2015, 02:21:24 AM »
DCD2015...nice grips on the RAMI, where did they come from?
I will answer your question since the RAMI belongs to me and not DCD2015.  I got them from another member on the forum - BGlas.  You can search for him.  He has a web page but I cannot remember it's address.

I think the site you are think of is

Yup, the Rami pics weren't mine. Although, that's a very nice looking Rami, &  I wish it was mine. LOL. 

Thanks neighbor. I can see what Im getting the wife for her birthday.  That guy makes some nice grips. She bought me a new set of grips for my 327 FM Blackhawk, so this is perfect.  COOl.

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2015, 04:34:40 PM »
IMO, NOTHING....repeat NOTHING feels as good in the hand as the Rami with the 14rd mag inserted.  Not even my PCR D.  I barely shoot the PCR better, too.  People talk about it being too thick.  Ha, I bet their other carry piece is only .2 or .3 inches thicker.  To me, that's no issue at all.
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Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2015, 04:59:51 PM »
CZRex...curious, because I get conflicting reports. To you, does your RAMI with the 14 round mag in place feel thinner, thicker, or about the same as your PCR, assuming factory grips? I've been told the PCR "feels better", but do not have access to one to handle it. I am intrigued by the looks of the PCR and actually thinking of ordering one, even though the RAMI feels great with the 14 rounder in it and shoots incredibly well. Do you think it is worth it to have both? Or do you think if I have both they will be too close to each other and I will not shoot one of them?

Offline viking499

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2015, 05:11:30 PM »
CZRex...curious, because I get conflicting reports. To you, does your RAMI with the 14 round mag in place feel thinner, thicker, or about the same as your PCR, assuming factory grips? I've been told the PCR "feels better", but do not have access to one to handle it. I am intrigued by the looks of the PCR and actually thinking of ordering one, even though the RAMI feels great with the 14 rounder in it and shoots incredibly well. Do you think it is worth it to have both? Or do you think if I have both they will be too close to each other and I will not shoot one of them?

I had a Rami years ago.  It felt "chunky" in my hand.  Sold it because it doesn't like the feel.  A few years later, I bought the PCR.  I can not give you specifics about them side by side, but I really do like the feel of the PCR. 

Every now and then I think about getting another Rami, but, if I liked it back then, I would still have it now.

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #34 on: July 24, 2015, 08:52:29 PM »
I love my PCR. It reminds me of my beloved old S&W 6906, except better.
It is reliable, accurate and a great CCW.
Wish I could figure out how to post an image and I would show you mine......

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #35 on: July 29, 2015, 09:47:39 PM »
I like mine so much.  I am thinking about getting a second one for the truck. 

Nothing has ever came this close to fitting my hand and on target as this CZ 75D compact.  The closest to this CZ is the Sig M11-A1 and the Walther PPQ.   However, I had to change the Grips on the M11-A1 to the new E2 and the PPQ needed the smallest back strap.  The CZ 75 D fit me right out of the box.  I sold the PPQ and used the money to buy the Kadet .22 conversion kit. 

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2015, 07:17:41 PM »
Well, I broke down and ordered a PCR. Saw a price on a new one that was $100 below the best price I could fine anywhere else, and it tipped me over the edge. The dealer in New Hampshire sent me my UPS tracking number today, and it appears the gun should be here by August 4. So, I am excited. I plan to do a detailed side by side comparison with my RAMI soon after it arrives.


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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2015, 04:56:08 PM »
I believe your going to love it. My PCR has rapidly became my favorite. I was thinking of selling one of my 92's and getting a 85 combat or 75 tactical. I just cant make my mind up which?

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2015, 06:26:25 PM »
I hope you really love it.  Many people do.  It is one CZ that I did not immediately fall in love with.  I am going to try one again, eventually.  I actually experienced trigger slap with the one I had.  Probably didn't give it enough of a chance.
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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #39 on: August 03, 2015, 08:36:30 PM »
The size compared to a Sig M11-A1, Walther PPK, PP, and Sig P238.  Which all at one time or other have been my carry weapon.

I was going to insert a picture.  However, this forum's software makes that a little too hard to do.

Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #40 on: August 05, 2015, 06:31:20 PM »
I just became the proud owner of a new PCR, purchased as a Factory Blemish gun. If there is a blemish on it, I can't find it. I have not had the chance to shoot it, but so far, there is nothing I do not like about this pistol. I only hope it shoots as well as it looks, and I have no reason to believe it won't.

For the last dozen years or so, I have been carrying a Glock 19 on and off duty, and it is a fine tool for the uses I had for it. But, compared to the PCR, my trusty Glock just looks somehow "soulless" if that makes any sense to anyone. What I mean is that one Glock is pretty much like another, but this PCR will be special I think, uniquely mine, and the first gun I have owned in a while that I might dress up a bit with some nice grips, and maybe a fancy holster.

Just as a PS though...when I was trying to decide if a PCR would feel much different in my hand than the RAMI I already owned, when the 14 round magazine is in place, most people told me I would feel a difference. The fact is that I don't feel much difference, both seem fine and fit me well. The grip material is different of course. I will say that the PCR looks better balanced, and to me, is a "cooler" looking pistol, so I am glad I bought it. It looks more like a "real CZ" to me, only smaller. The RAMI BD does have better sights as it came out of the box though.

Maybe next will be some form of full-sized CZ for me  :)
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 06:34:13 PM by OldCop876 »

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #41 on: August 05, 2015, 06:45:22 PM »
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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2015, 06:56:38 PM »
It's almost exactly the same size and weight as a Glock 19.  I am 6 foot tall 180 pounds and to be honest I have not managed to carry my PCR yet in the summer.  I would have to move up two shirt sizes to thoroughly conceal it.  But I took it out shooting various drills and shot it better than  the handgun I have  1500 rounds through!  It is just accurate and comfortable.  It is a gun I will keep for the rest of my life. It is just too big for me for summer. If anyone has suggestions I would appreciate them! For fall or winter or spring carry I think it is a great gun.

(My summer carry is a Ruger LCP and PF9 Keltec.  Looking to add a PPS, unless someone can show me a magic holster that enables me to conceal the PCR underneath a medium mens tshirt!)

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Offline OldCop876

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #43 on: August 05, 2015, 08:10:27 PM »

Everyone has a different tolerance for what they feel they can and cannot carry concealed, and I think a lot of that depends on what you have had to get used to, not to mention what your threat level really is. In my experience, knowing that there is a good chance that you might really have to use the pistol by virtue of your employment makes you much more tolerant of a larger gun.

I've been carrying a gun, usually concealed, pretty much every day since 1979, in jobs that would have called for me to intervene in either a law enforcement capacity, or use the pistol as a private security contractor overseas. In those situations, you want the best sights you can get, a full grip, and if possible, high magazine capacity in a pistol of at least 9mm. I personally am amazed at all the good options we have for that today. We'd have killed to have a good, reliable gun the size and weight of a Glock 19 back in the day, when all we really had that was reliable was a full-sized K-Frame revolver, an all-steel 1911 running ball ammo, a Browning Hi-Power, or in deference to this forum, a full-sized CZ-75.

My new PCR actually seems tiny to me, compared to what I am used to. I plan to carry it, just as I did my 19, in a good, rigid, professional grade IWB holster with a sweat guard, and just not wear skin-tight clothing. It's all in what you are used to, but a good holster, and a double thickness belt will help a lot.

On the other hand, most civilians who do not go in harm's way on purpose are probably fine with one of the newer single stack "pocket 9's" like my little Kahr pistol, or even a .380 for most things. But for me, 35 years of habit dies hard, even though I am not essentially retired. I just know that in all the situations I ever found myself in, I never once found myself wishing for a smaller gun, or less ammo. But I do realize that not everyone is going to be in that situation often.

Best wishes on whatever you choose to carry. Keep in mind that almost nobody you really have to worry about pays attention to whether you are carrying or not. Most never even notice a thing. How we "make you" as somebody carrying a gun is all the "fidgeting" that people do who are not used to daily carry. Stay safe!

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Re: new to CZ, PCR any good?
« Reply #44 on: August 05, 2015, 10:02:13 PM »
As OC said, it's all in what you're comfortable carrying. If the bigger pistol is what you want to carry then you need to dress around it. A little bigger shirt, a hair bigger pants/shorts, IWB holster and maybe adjust your carry position.
   Even us bigger guys have a little problem CCWing bigger guns. Those rolls and bulges just love to push the grip out so it prints. [emoji2][emoji6][emoji6]
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