$300-$350 for a 4.5-5# trigger pack!
Like Shooters Element said, same thing can be accomplished with the HBI $8.95 trigger spring kit and an aftermarket trigger or fluff and buff.
I've got a couple of Geissele AR-15 triggers (the SD-3G $260.00 and a SD-E $250.00) and I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are 100% worth the price. And no you can't get the same thing with the HBI $8.95 trigger spring kit and an aftermarket trigger, sorry, not even close. If you haven't shot an AR-15 or an AR-10 with a Geissele installed you don't know what these little jewels of perfection are capable of and you don't know what you're missing (plus they are pretty much bomb proof, ask a Navy Seal if they would trade their Geissele for anything else).
Why would I ask a navy seal? You totally lost me with that comment. Why not ask an army ranger or a special forces force multiplier or a delta force operator or marine force recon? Everyone has their own preference. That's the main reason a delta force operative has the choice of what weapons to use.
I've used the aftermarket drop in trigger kits and I really don't care for them unless it were for completion shooting. Yeah, with some you can adjust pretravel and overtravel or ever adjust the pull weight. Some don't have the option for any adjustment. What it boils down to are smaller parts and tighter tolerances that don't bode well for field use and especially not for a blowback operated firearm where the trigger pack is exposed to copious amounts of, well "blowback".
Some things work well for some, but not so much for others. Everyone has their own opinion. So please don't play home school commando and say that because a navy seal might be using it, that it means it's the best of the best. If that were the case, then everyone out there who owns a Sig, needs to sell it now and pick up a glock "because the seals are doing it".
Off my soap box. I prefer the stock trigger with the HBI spring kit. Which just so happens to be a win-win for me since that saves me several hundred dollars and I enjoy this setup