Author Topic: CGW upgrades: Diy or send it in for the Works?  (Read 5835 times)

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Offline FireFly

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Re: CGW upgrades: Diy or send it in for the Works?
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2015, 10:48:28 AM »

If and when I do this;

"There is no discernible difference "to me" between a pro package I have on a PCR that CGW did, and a CZ75B that I did using David's parts.  I say do it yourself!  He's really busy right now, so you'll avoid both expense "and" wait.  He's also "always" really helpful, and you get the benefit of getting to know your gun (if you don't already)."

If CGW's is swamped, the wait could be unbearable, having another to shoot would be a plus. I'd consider buying a completed pistol.

Good Luck
Because the journey is the worthier part...The Shepherd's Tale

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Offline pdxrealtor

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Re: CGW upgrades: Diy or send it in for the Works?
« Reply #16 on: September 02, 2015, 04:00:09 PM »
I plan to do it myself. I researched and found there are a couple tools needed a side from the normal punches and Dremel kit.

Starter punch - bought from CZ Custom as I had another order going
THere's a decocker reassembly tool (or pin) that comes in handy if you're doing a decocker. I've been a q-tip will work, but I got the actual pin from Dave @ CGW.

That's about it if memory serves me correctly. Dave turned me on to a couple instructional vids/text tutorials I will likely reference.

So I vote do it your self if you have any ability at all to dis-assemble/re-assemble not just guns, but anything.

I have two pro kits here waiting to be installed. One for my Rammi and one for my SPO1 Tactical.
CZ 97 BD- CGW Pro Kit/Action job
CZ 97 BD -  Stock (daughters)
CZ SP01 Tactical CGW/Action job -  threaded waiting for silencer.
CZ 75 Stainless (daughters)
CZ 75 Matte Stainless -  CGW SAO Conversion
CZ Rami BD CGW Pro package/action job -  main squeeze