Took it to the range again today and was very happy with it. I didn't expect this, but the 40P has replaced the P-01 as my favorite gun and I'm also shooting it better than the P-01, even with the grittier trigger. Probably helps that the sights on the 40P are MUCH better than the ones on the P-01 (stock sights on both). Just ordered Mepro's for the P-01 though, so we'll see how it goes.
Here are some target images from my range trip:
First mag
The target after 40 rounds.
Not too impressive, but nice for me. 7 - 8 yards, using federal aluminum cased ammo. All of the groupings are slow fire, with the exception to the far right, which was rapid fire, 1 - 2 seconds between each shot. Extremely impressed with how controllable the gun is, especially for a .40