I loaded up some xtreme 125 gr 38 flat point for my 9mm p09 and they shot well with 5 grs of cfe pistol.
Joe -
You have evidence of several misunderstandings in your post. Not to be negative, but to help you understand your errors so that you can grow as a reloader, below are my comments...
OAL was 1.05 even though the manuals say 1.069.
The manual may well say that, but they are in no way
recommending an OAL of 1.069", or any other OAL. They are merely
reporting what they used.
Big difference. So why do they "report" the OAL? Because the OAL is part of the load data, as much as the powder load or bullet weight is.
Bullet profile was hitting the rifling and having trouble closing all the way.
I hope you didn't shoot these because that's a VERY dangerous situation. The
Number 1 Objective of your reloading should be
Safety. And the
Number 1 Safety Rule is don't load cartridges that won't allow the gun to go fully into battery. Have you ever been blasted in the face by an air hose? Well, as uncomfortable as that was, it was probably only 90-100psi air. Inside the 9mm chamber are hot gases up to ~33,000psi !! If the gun does not go into battery and "lock up" then the back of the case can blow out, peppering your face and eyes with red hot bits of flying brass. This because the cartridge case was "unsupported" by the steel of the barrel.
So how do
you determine the correct OAL for
your bullet in
your gun? You start by reading the sticky at the top of this forum entitled "How to determine Max OAL for a CZ Pistol".
CZs have tight chamber specs.
No, actually the chamber size is set by SAAMI. Manufacturers must comply with SAAMI in order to import their gun. What CZ and several other eastern European barrels have is a short "freebore". Freebore is not standardized among barrel makers, as you can see in the cartoon below...
The bottom line is that until you learn to reload correctly,
you are a danger to yourself and those around you. You need to invest some serious time reading and learning to reload correctly before you shoot another round.