Anyone who's done this know's what a pain in the behind taking out a cz-75 magazine brake is, the heart of difficulty is in lining up that stupid little notch at the end of the brake into the hammer spring, while simultaneously putting pressure (usually a lot if you're using the factory spring) on the mainspring. What I find odd, is that the stainless steel brake offered from the CZ parts website has no such notch, it is completely flat, except with the curled over part were the pin locks it into the frame. So if the stainless steel brake doesn't need the notch, or to clip onto the hammer spring... why does the factory one? Is it possible to modify the factory one so that it doesn't require the notch? Just something I've considered, anyone with more experience with this, feel free to lend your advice. I'm using a standard CZ-75 Compact in 9mm for this by the way.