Thought this was the place to bring this to see if anyone else had issues or see what I'm doing wrong.
First of all, high praise for Cajun Gun Works. Before tackling the P-01 I upgraded my SA with CGW parts and it's my favorite pistol at the moment. Here's a pic:

Now I had no trouble installing the parts in the SA or adjusting the sear, so I'd like to think I'm not completely incompetent as a gunsmith.
Here's the issue I had with the P-01.
Installing the Reach Reduction Kit and a CGW Hammer in my P-01. Used the slave pin, didn't have to disassemble the Decocker far so good. When I installed the new disconnector onto the new hammer (using the HPINS from CGW), I noticed that it was incredibly stiff, as in it won't move without using some major force. I was a little worried by that, since the stock disconnector rotates on the hammer freely. Hammer strut went on fine and also rotates freely. Put the pistol back together after putting in new trigger, and when the hammer is cocked and the trigger is pulled, the hammer does not fall. You can push on the hammer and it'll move, but it's almost like there is no spring pressure on the hammer, even though I did install the new hammer spring.
Any ideas?
I have a poorly shot video of it I can try to upload or link to if I'm being unclear.