Greetings CZ forums Pistol-department.
I've been a member for a while (mostly spending time over in the vz-58 section), and have owned a 97b for quite some time. However, I'm looking for a new carry-pistol and have been considering (very strongly) getting a P-01. I handled it quite a bit back before I bought my 97b (worked at a shop), and liked it a lot. Good fit, light, small but competent. I'm a large guy and can't really do the SUB-compact RAMI type thing so it's really the best of both worlds for me, small but filling.
I worked with an apprentice gunsmith who owns several CZ's, and he helped me with my 97 - learning to strip and clean and modify. While we were talking about the P-01 I mentioned that I'd rather have the safety than the decocker. He said he hadn't tried it but theoretically it was possible as the P-01 is just the 75c with an aluminum frame and an NSN cert #.
So my question is this... It's been a few years and I'm not in touch with him anymore... Has anyone tried this? Is there anyone that could shed some light on this for me? I can live with the decocker - prolly going to get it anyways. But for future reference - if I've got money to burn and can get a safety block... Is this something that's feasible?