Just picked up a new P07, 2014 2nd gen model, and I'm really thinking it could replace my Glock 19 that I carry everyday. Have bought 4 or 5 new handguns in the last year thinking I could find something in the G19 size that was better but kept coming back to it. That was before I actually got to hold and dry fire a P07. It will be a defensive carry pistol so not thinking I want to have it reworked in a similar way I had my SP01 done at CZC(love it, my best shooter, but a little too light single action pull full my carry gun, imo), Just want to smooth it up, lighten the DA pull and get the single action around 4lbs and shorten the reset. I think i know what I need, new hammer, SRS, new FP, new springs. I am confident when completely disassemble on my 1911's but have never tackled a SA/DA. After watching Joe L's videos, feeling pretty good about doing upgrades myself as long as parts are drop in. Not feeling comfortable about having to hand fit say, a sear/disconnector. Are most upgrade parts from CGW and CZC drop in considering what I want to achieve?
Thinking about just calling David or Stuart and letting them put together a shopping list for me.