Heavier main spring will add about 4 oz, but will make cocking and decocking (manually) a chore. I wouldn't recommend that. The factory main spring is quite 'heavy' already. It is 15 or 16 lbs at least. I tried 13 lbs and it was quite light compared to stock.
Heavier trigger spring, well, i doubt there is one for the TS.
Heavier sear spring is the best way to go. You could use the Yanfiglio sear spring, it is one more coil thatn the CZ 75 sear spring. Indont know how much it would add.
You could try modifying the sear, open it up to house 2 sear springs instead of one. It is a solid 1lb gain. More or less what you need. i tried that, and got my TS to a notch over 3 lbs. The work on the sear was a bit tedious. You will need a flat needle file, and a lot of patience. Make sure you open the space towards the right side safety. That will ensure proper alignment of the exisitng sear spring with the notch in the safety which it holds onto. The new sear spring, to the right, will just rest on the safety.
I have done this on mine as well as to that of a friend's TS. Works as advertised !!! Its a bit tiring but doable.