Installed my new bushing in my 75 compact 9mm and went to the range.
Thing 1: I suck at bench resting pistols for accuracy. Rifles, no problem, but I have some issues to work through or something with pistols.
Thing 2: My barrel had no problem going in like the full size pistols reported. But when it's locked up it is good stuff! I can feel a little play in the barrel, but it is so minute.
Thing 3: When I was shooting unsupported practicing seeing my sights and what not I had a couple bullets just about go through the same holes. Since this wasn't a practice in grouping the groups weren't worth measuring as I would open them up with shooting quick. Sorry for the lack of group measurements but as someone else mentioned, I noticed a very real increase in accuracy and it boosts my confidence in the gun a great deal. Thanks CGW!