
If you could have a swing open trap door on a grip would you be willing to pay $8-12 extra for it?

yes- totally worth it
no- doesn't interest me at all. Give me cheap as possible.
maybe- interesting but undecided

Author Topic: How important is pistol grip storage?  (Read 5790 times)

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Offline Gear Head

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How important is pistol grip storage?
« on: November 12, 2015, 04:10:20 AM »
I am getting closer to my pistol grip design and need to decide if I want to offer it with a swing open trap storage door or not. It would require substantial additional mold costs though so I do not want to invest in it if the market (you guys) don't care for it. If it would not serve a purpose for you, I do not see a need for increasing the cost of the part. But since there isn't any other storage areas on the Scorpion, would you be willing to buy a more expensive grip to gain one?

For me personally, I have different guns that have storage and many that don't. So I am rather neutral. So I decided to ask everyone here instead.

Let me predict some questions and answer them to save time.

I do not have pricing. It will be competitively priced for a niche market grip though.
I do not have an ETA. I'm working as fast as I can. It has been in development for several months now.
Yes this is for injection molding.
More details will come when they're ready. Emailing me wanting to know more just slows down the process overall because I answer my emails and there won't be anything new to learn than what gets publicly posted.

So please let me know what you think.

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Offline armoredman

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2015, 05:38:23 PM »
Great idea - more storage for batteries or cleaning gear in places that are essentially wasted space is a GOOD idea. Wondered since I got my Scorpion why the grip was all wasted space.

Offline Garmanarnar

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 10:09:56 AM »
typo edit

Absolutely essential on at least one pistol or foregrip for each rifle, as far as I'm concerned, for storage of spare ear plugs, a copy of the Form 1, optic/light batteries, etc.. I store those in the foregrip on my scorpion and do not necessarily need storage capacity in the pistol grip, however.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 10:17:20 AM by Garmanarnar »

Offline mursalot

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2016, 06:12:33 PM »
Is this still in development?
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Offline longgonedaddy

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2016, 06:14:32 PM »
Yes, I'm always looking for a good stash place!   8)

Offline Gear Head

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2016, 06:18:48 PM »
The molds are being made and tweaked. There has been test parts molded but they aren't perfect yet. It is taking longer than I had hoped unfortunately.

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Offline st381183

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2016, 06:34:22 PM »
I say no storage. Extra weight and complexity. Everyone acts like they don't carry a range bag when they go to shoot so I say my priority would be a matching Scorpion FDE color to match my pistol.  The items stowed in a grip tend to rattle and who REALLY uses a grip stowed cleaning kit?  All of us use cleaning gear stored at home. 

Offline Border Dave

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2016, 06:44:56 PM »
I would pay extra for storage.  I would use it to hold a copy of my trust, tax stamp, and extra batteries.

Offline ftownkev

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2016, 10:25:44 PM »
I never store anything in pistol grips that's what range bags are for.  Just my thoughts but if you wanted to leave the option open you could do like Yeti Wurks did he shaped the bottom of his grip so that it could fit a universal AR grip plug that way it gives people the option if they feel it's a must to store things in the grip they can buy the grip plug and store things, on the other hand for people who want the lighter weight and don't care about storing thing you don't need to buy the plug.


Offline RSR

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2016, 02:39:28 AM »
Hogue pistol grip storage pods are terrible to install and uninstall, at least on the AK. 
FABs are mediocre but functional. 
Magpuls are well done but their grip storage pod makes for a rather wide grip (ARs do require more spare parts on hand in my experience than blowback carbines)...
BCMs have my favorite hinge cap design...

Pistol grip storage is great as it keeps critical parts, etc, on the gun, and given the grip location puts that weight at a great balance point for the rifle...  Basically the only cost to the shooter for having grip storage is any excess initial dollars cost, and then a couple ounces in weight.  All things considered totally worth it. 

Great for
-critical spare parts kit such as firing pin, extractor, takedown pins, etc -- stuff likely (likelier) to break  or get lost and cease weapon function
-optic batteries
-boresnake or other basic field cleaning kits
-specialty ammo (snakeshot, etc)

A rubbery closed cell foam might work well and relatively cheaply for grip insert organization. 

Bottom line, I see grip storage as something like an add on during home construction -- you can pay a little extra upfront to do it initially; otherwise, on the backend you basically have to start over from scratch.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 02:47:43 AM by RSR »

Offline mursalot

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2016, 06:26:52 AM »
3 words: sight adjustment tool

That's enough reason for me to need a storage compartment anywhere on the scorpion.

The magpul vertical grip doesn't have a closure even though it has plenty of space inside to store something. Any hollowed out space seems like a waste to me when it can't be utilized

Up until I found this old post, I thought yeti wurks was the only company with an aftermarket grip in the making. Guess we'll have to wait to see what GHW has been up to
2 things you never want to hear when you pull the trigger:

"click" when you expect it to go "bang" and

"bang" when you expect it to go "click"

Offline OhHey1

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2016, 08:35:20 AM »
I would pay extra for storage.  I would use it to hold a copy of my trust, tax stamp, and extra batteries.

My trust is like 30+ pages. You could fit yours in a pistol grip?!
-Form 1 filed 11/15, approved 3/16
-HBI AK safety lever
-HBI left side safety delete
-HBI Duckbill magazine release
-HBI Delta extended charging handle
-HBI Theta trigger shoe
-CZC trigger pack
-CZC upgraded disconnector
-CZC trigger job 3#
-CZC Zhukov adapter and stock
-Yetiwurks Switchback

Offline Border Dave

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2016, 12:07:31 PM »
I would pay extra for storage.  I would use it to hold a copy of my trust, tax stamp, and extra batteries.

My trust is like 30+ pages. You could fit yours in a pistol grip?!

Mine is ten pages, but I would shrink it down and double side it.  I would still carry my original tax stamp in my range bag.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2016, 12:09:13 PM by Border Dave »

Offline st381183

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2016, 02:03:26 PM »
Why not just duct tape a zip lock back to you stock with you trust and stamp in it.  10+ pages of info to carry on your SBR is a lot of paper even shrunk down. I mean you still have to be able to read it.

Offline Wraith223

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Re: How important is pistol grip storage?
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2016, 08:05:12 PM »
I would prefer to have a space to store the sight adjustment tool, one set of batteries (maybe), laser adjustment tool, and Benadryl. It's really helpful to have that on hand. I keep my stuff ready to use quick and expect to move fast. My gun is part of my "oh bleep kit". Tricks ands space is limited, thus it's a great idea. I have other guns that use range bag space as they are for fun. My scorpion is for both.
Please innovate, as our gun needs more cool stuff.
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