If you've got good eye sight the shorter sight radius is much less of an issue.
Guns are funny things, sometimes a gun will be more accurate "than it should be."
My 3.8 XDM 9MM shoots better groups than my 5.25" XDM 9MM competition gun. Not just for me, for both my sons, my nephew and my wife.
I recently bought a CZ 75 Compact 9MM, a used gun, but in pretty good shape. It shoots pretty good. I don't own a full size CZ 75, just a couple P09s,
While I'm impressed with the Compact, so far it's not shooting with the P09 or P07. Maybe with some different ammo, it might.
Ten shots, first range trip with the compact, 12.75 yds. (if I remember correctly) off hand, single action only. It does have a pretty decent trigger, too. I would not be the least afraid to carry it all the time, but I bought it for my wife (to keep her away from my P09 .40 S&W).