Author Topic: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s  (Read 3189 times)

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Offline chaps

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Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« on: December 08, 2015, 03:34:58 PM »
In other brands of semi-autos, it has been noted that the compact version is as accurate or even more accurate than the full size. Could that be said of CZs? I've read that claim on other boards, but usually anecdotally and no actual range testing. I'm just curious if anyone here felt their compact was as (or more) accurate for them as their full size.

I confess I am dubious, as I would think the longer sight radius, barrel, perhaps heavier full size would always prove more accurate, but I figure its worth validating the claims I've read. Thanks in advance!
75BD, P-01, Kadet 2 ... so far

Offline tekarra

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 03:48:08 PM »
I shoot my Compacts better than the full size 75.  The reason, I think, is the shorter grip which tends to squeeze my hand a bit making my grip tighter.

Offline BDG

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 03:49:26 PM »
I wish I was able to assist you, I shoot both the full and compact CZ's well below their potential.
I do believe that your list of advantages in a full sized pistol are accurate.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 03:52:01 PM by BDG »

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 04:44:26 PM »
I've got a Shadow and a 75B SA and they are both more accurate then my P01 for the reasons you mentioned, plus the Shadow is much quicker back on target and softer shooting. That being said the P01 is plenty accurate, you just won't see one beating out a Shadow in USPSA anytime soon.
CZ 75 SP01 Shadow, strong enough for a man, but she likes it too!

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 07:46:48 PM »
If you've got good eye sight the shorter sight radius is much less of an issue.

Guns are funny things, sometimes a gun will be more accurate "than it should be."

My 3.8 XDM 9MM shoots better groups than my 5.25" XDM 9MM competition gun.  Not just for me, for both my sons, my nephew and my wife.

I recently bought a CZ 75 Compact 9MM, a used gun, but in pretty good shape.  It shoots pretty good.  I don't own a full size CZ 75, just a couple P09s,

While I'm impressed with the Compact, so far it's not shooting with the P09 or P07.  Maybe with some different ammo, it might.

Ten shots, first range trip with the compact, 12.75 yds. (if I remember correctly) off hand, single action only.  It does have a pretty decent trigger, too.  I would not be the least afraid to carry it all the time, but I bought it for my wife (to keep her away from my P09 .40 S&W).

I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?


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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2015, 11:08:59 AM »
I have 3 full size 75's a PCR a P-07 and a steel frame 75 compact. I find the steel frame compact out shoots all the others rather handily. Maybe it's me and maybe it's the gun or a combo of both but that's my personal experience.

Offline larryflew

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2015, 11:37:32 AM »
My compact is just as accurate as my full sized ones BUT I am not as accurate with it. IE from a rest they are great, from me standing 2 handed not as good but it's likely old eyes and sight radius.  On the other hand I still carry a compact as they are center mass accurate even with my eyes etc.  Also true of my Kimber 45's BTW.
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Offline Joe Allen

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2015, 12:29:55 PM »
I doubt that there is going to be much difference in the gun's mechanical accuracy - i.e. if you put both of them in a Ransom rest and strictly measured the mechanical accuracy, there will likely be very little difference due to the .8" difference in barrel length.

As for performance accuracy, which is what a shooter is really interested in, that boils down to several issues and is, ultimately, a somewhat subjective issue. It's generally based on several common features though:

  • Sight radius - how quickly can the shooter get a good sight picture, and how much will a slight preturbation of the sights deter accurate shot placement.

    The 75 Compact typically performs well in this area since its sight radius is only .8" shorter than its big brother.
  • Weight. Weight can definitely affect a pistol's perceived accuracy, but it's a two edged sword. A heavy handgun will have less perceived recoil and will allow faster, more accurate followup shots, but it also may present more stress to the shooter to achieve and maintain good stance and sight alignment.

    Since there's less than 3 oz. difference between the 75 Compact and the full size - this should be the source of any perceived difference in accuracy, for good or ill.
  • And, finally, the other big issue would be the grip. Many handguns that are a compact version of a larger pistol greatly reduce the overall grip length, requiring the shooter to either leave a finger or two hanging off the grip, or use a magazine with a grip extension.

    The 75 Compact's grip is long enough that most shooters can get all four fingers on with a flush fit mag so again, advange to CZ as compared to many other compact versions of service pistols.

Offline Rmach

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2015, 02:56:31 PM »
I have a C-100 Tristar and a L-120 Tristar (CZ75 alloy clones), and the longer L-120 shoots a wee bit more accurately than the shorter C-100. Now my all stainless CZ75b is a wee bit more accurate than my L-120 and C-100.  I'm more than happy with all three.

Offline RhodyCZ

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2015, 10:53:05 AM »
I doubt that there is going to be much difference in the gun's mechanical accuracy - i.e. if you put both of them in a Ransom rest and strictly measured the mechanical accuracy, there will likely be very little difference due to the .8" difference in barrel length.

As for performance accuracy, which is what a shooter is really interested in, that boils down to several issues and is, ultimately, a somewhat subjective issue. It's generally based on several common features though:

  • Sight radius - how quickly can the shooter get a good sight picture, and how much will a slight preturbation of the sights deter accurate shot placement.

    The 75 Compact typically performs well in this area since its sight radius is only .8" shorter than its big brother.
  • Weight. Weight can definitely affect a pistol's perceived accuracy, but it's a two edged sword. A heavy handgun will have less perceived recoil and will allow faster, more accurate followup shots, but it also may present more stress to the shooter to achieve and maintain good stance and sight alignment.

    Since there's less than 3 oz. difference between the 75 Compact and the full size - this should be the source of any perceived difference in accuracy, for good or ill.
  • And, finally, the other big issue would be the grip. Many handguns that are a compact version of a larger pistol greatly reduce the overall grip length, requiring the shooter to either leave a finger or two hanging off the grip, or use a magazine with a grip extension.

    The 75 Compact's grip is long enough that most shooters can get all four fingers on with a flush fit mag so again, advange to CZ as compared to many other compact versions of service pistols.
I completely agree.  Last year I pondered this exact question. A friend and I went to my Club to conduct a very unscientific and completely subjective test. Between us we took 6 CZ pistols which included (2) 75Bs; (2) factory compacts - a PCR & a P-01; and (2) CZC pistols - a SDP and a CZC worked P-01. We spent the afternoon shooting the pistols side by side in comparison. I don't claim that any meaningful conclusions can be drawn from our shooting exercise beyond that it satisfied my curiosity.  No surprise we consistently shot the tightest groups with the CZC pistols (if nothing else the trigger jobs may explain it). The PCR, P-01 and a 75B in SS seemed to all shoot equally well and the groups at various distances were comparable but always exceeded in size what we could shoot with the CZC pistols. One pistol, a stock CZ75B consistently was the worse performer. Just did not group well compared to any of the other pistols.  Overall nothing shocking occurred during our very unscientific informal range comparison.  One thing I did conclude was that for my friend and I, the compacts perform at least as good as the full size pistols.   
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 10:58:24 AM by RhodyCZ »

Offline Bit Hard

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2015, 05:10:26 PM »
Thats pretty interesting the compact was more accurate than the full size. I would have never guessed.

Offline coolbox

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2015, 03:08:11 AM »
With equal trigger and sight setup, the compacts are every bit as accurate as full sized CZ 75s. A friend (a very good precision shooter) testeda stock 9mm Rami BD from the bench, rested, and it was nearly as good as his SP01 Shadow.
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Offline Jaems

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2015, 03:29:12 PM »
Another thing to consider is the Ammo.  Factory off the shelf ammo will be a hit or miss with accuracy.  The ammo should be match with the weapon.   Unless you hand load match ammo to your weapon.  You should use what the factory test fires.   CZ uses S&B for all their tests and obviously their weapons are a tune to this brand.   Sig has their own brand that they test their weapons and etc.  Defense rounds are just that, defense at close intervals, not across 50m of parking lot.

Obviously,  all major manufacturers of hand guns have accurate weapons.  If you put them in a vise they will prove to be very accurate.  However, it is in the hands of the beholder that will make the difference in terms of accuracy.   Since I am not interested in competition shooting.  I only care about the 12"x18" target for placement.   For I know if I every have to use my weapon, again.  I will not have the time to aim, just point and fire.   also knowing that the weapon I am carrying is accurate up to 25m and the round will go where I point.  It is up to me to be accurate in my pointing. 

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #13 on: December 20, 2015, 12:19:32 PM »
Probably (no, definitely) has more to do with the sights, but I shoot my full size 75BD much better over 45 feet, than I do with my P-01.  I have F/O front and competition rear on the BD.  I have Big Dots on the P-01. 
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Offline Firemanjones

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Re: Compact accuracy compared to Full Size 75s
« Reply #14 on: December 20, 2015, 02:34:02 PM »
My 75BD outshoots all my CZs and other brands. I attribute that I shoot it better than my compacts to the sight radius and it is all heavy metal.
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