Lol... I thought you meant the trigger on the EVO. Yeah, my friend has an FN Tactical and it's not a great trigger but I've felt worse. My previous PCC was a Beretta CX4 and the trigger on that thing was the worst ever. It felt awful, had choppy, gritty inconsistent break points no matter how well it was cleaned and lubed, and pulled at like 11 pounds stock. On top of that, it was 100% polymer. I never would have bought it in the first place had I known that but I didn't find out until it was too late. Luckily, a fantastic machinist on the Beretta forums made a run of full metal internals and I bought everything he produced. After all that modding, it ran like a dream; it only took an extra $500 in parts and about 10 hours of fitting and polishing... Lol...