My 75 Compact has come a long way in a fairly short amount of time. A buddy and I installed a set of SP-01 night sights a few weeks back, LOK Grenade grips came a week or so ago and then last night I was able to get the parts installed from Cajun Gun Works that I got for my birthday a couple weeks back. Between work, deer hunting and trying to get ready for Christmas I haven't had much chance to work on the gun but I finally had some time Sunday afternoon.
From CGW's I picked up the short reset kit with the extended firing pin, reduced power firing pin spring, reduced power firing block pin, blue hammer spring, reduced power trigger spring, floating trigger pin and a couple rubber mag bases. I did my research on the installs - lots of great threads and videos out there to walk you through set by step. Install was a breeze - start to finish took us maybe an hour and 15 minutes. That included some time to pull up a couple videos and watch them to make sure we were on the right track.
Took a few picture along the way...
Firing pins, CGW's extended pin on the left
Reference picture before we tore it apart
Sear cage out...
Just another angle...
Short reset arm ready for install - note the pin on the sear cage in the background, we only removed it far enough to get the old arm out and the small spring out. By doing this it made the job very quick and easy.
Back together...
Assembled with a couple venison tenderloins from a second season doe ready for the grill...
I posted these in another thread but if you missed them - here are the new grip (black & gray grenades from LOK Grips)
Whole package...
Range trip planned for this weekend to give it a shake down run and dial in the night sights. I'm really happy the way this thing came together. Just waiting on my Wright Leatherworks Predator holster to show up, I'm about 1/2 way through the waiting period.
Thanks for looking.