Author Topic: New Rami Jamming  (Read 12007 times)

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Offline 357MAGNOLE

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2016, 02:25:01 PM »

Thanks for the detailed photos!
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Offline Olmichelson

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2016, 05:22:45 PM »
Interesting ideas and photos. The white gun grease I used is so fine and I put it on so light that a person can hardly see it. The temperature is not a problem that I can see. I put one round of the Lawman ammo and one of the Freedom Munitions into the separated barrel, with no issues with either round. Both went in with no trouble and I could finger spin both. Both dropped out with no problem. The inside mechanics do not look exactly like the pictures posted by Schmeky.  It looks like my firing pin hole is round.  However, I do see that the face of mine is smooth from the bottom to the top of the slide and in the Schmeky's pictures there is a ridge that protrudes from the top of the slide.  I have pictures, but it does not look like there is any easy way of posting them without putting them out on some photo site. Maybe I am missing something. I see that CZ USA is on holiday break until tomorrow and I have already sent them an email letting them know I have a problem with my Remi. Thanks for the suggestions.

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2016, 05:27:53 PM »
Thanks Schmeky.
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Offline Ruber

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New Rami Jamming
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2016, 09:34:11 AM »
Thanks Schmeky!


I'm a big fan of clean, lube, shoot, repeat.  I can't tell how many times you've had it at the range or how many rounds you have through it after cleaning and lubing it.  But as mentioned, these like to run wet for break in.  If I were to not tear it down for a thorough cleaning, I'd take it to the range dripping oil (no grease), shoot 50 rounds, field strip it, wipe it down, drench it with oil and repeat.  I'd do that for about 4-500 rounds before I'd start to get worried.

The cool things about the CZ's are their durability, accuracy, and value.  My CZ's hold up much better than my Sigs or S&W's and are more accurate across a wider range of ammo.

But the cheaper models can come a little dirtier, a little less fitting, needing of more break-in time.

My custom shop Sig showed up perfectly cleaned, tuned, and lubed.  But it also cost four times what my RAMI did. Some of the higher priced CZ's are pretty slick right out of the box, but you pay for it.

Kinda a long winded way of saying don't judge the gun on the first couple range sessions.

All that said, some do slip through with machining problems like Schmeky pointed out.  I've also seen defects in/around/opposite the extractor cause feeding problems too.

CZ USA should get you going right pretty quick if you choose that route too.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 10:07:58 AM by Ruber »

Offline harleypower69

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #19 on: January 04, 2016, 11:33:04 AM »
Run it wet, wet enough that you get some oil spray on your shooting glasses. Wet means wet, don't split hairs.
Run at least 400 rounds through it in one session. Shoot it in (break-in) as the recoil spring is new, metal surfaces have not mated and smoothed.
Run it using ammo with some zip to it. Try Remington Golden Sabre for feeding JHP, this ammo has a very forgiving bullet ogive and seems to feed in every gun I have ever used it in.
Keep the magazines fully loaded for a few days. A stiff mag spring can create friction. Try downloading the mag one round to ease feeding during break-in.

For what it is worth - even my Shadow Tac II Custom exhibited some break-in issues similar to yours as did a Nighthawk Enforcer. Stick with it and try above suggestions. Good luck with that awesome gun!

Offline kevindt

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2016, 11:41:17 PM »
If you are still having the problem, take a look at a post of mine late last year on here.  When I got my Rami, it would jam with the round only partially chambered at least once per magazine load.  I looked at all of the suggestions on the forum, and I tried most of them with only partial success.
Close inspection showed the round was sticking at the extractor, which was very stiff.  A really good cleaning of the extractor pivot point with a little kerosene, working the extractor to and fro against its return spring with a small soft brass bar to remove the thick grease that was making it stick, then lubing it with a little light gun oil made it move much more freely. Suddenly, I  could reliably cycle some brass snap-caps that also used to jam. The problem was instantly gone, and it's now gone well over 1500 rounds since then without a single malfunction.


Offline Rem 3200

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2016, 07:59:40 PM »
Great thread as I am having the same problems with my new RAMI. I'll try all of your suggestions on mine.
CSM, U.S. Army (Ret),  1963-1990

Offline akspotmom

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2016, 02:00:15 PM »
I had read this post (actually EVERY post) before I bought my RAMI D and when I got a few weeks ago it I took it apart to clean out the grease everyone talked about there was none. Just some light oil and not a lot of it. I wiped a little off the outside of the gun and proceeded to shoot and discovered the joy of this pistol everyone talked me into buying!

Since then I have had about 200 rounds or more through it of several brands, RN & HP, as well as home rolled with various grains of powder testing lighter loads, both the 10 and 14 round mags, and not a single jam and only 2 FTF on home rolled, but fired on the second strike (the reason I love guns you don't have to rack the slide to get a second opinion and throw precious ammo on the ground). The FTF were both from the same batch, so unknown what the issue was, it didn't happen again, but sure looked like a light strike.

Mine shows a mfg date of August 2015.

So in my limited experience (with this gun anyway) I would say that if there continues to be feeding issues with the gun in question I would send it back for a replacement or some work. For the price it just doesn't seem right that it would not be good right out of the box.
Update August 2017:

Since I got this gun last year I have been shooting it a lot, around 100 rounds a week, sometimes more, sometimes less. I have between 5000-6000 rounds through it now and it runs perfect. I have changed the large recoil spring 2x, but not sure it really needed it. They were definitely shorter than the new ones, but I wasn't having any issues. It gets cleaned after every range session and kept very well oiled. I have used various factory loads with no problems (other than some are more accurate in it than others), but mostly use hand loads. At Front Site I shot 300+ rounds of Hornadys in one day and only gave it a squirt of oil half way through the day just to be sure, I wasn't having any issues at the time.

If you are using reloads, the plunk test is important, once the size it can take is worked out there will be no issues there.
I have found that the early FTF have turned out to be using primers from the 50's, other issues from old powder. Using up old components, I mean REALLY, REALLY old, has caused us issues in every gun we own so we quit some of the older stuff.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2017, 02:45:05 PM by akspotmom »

Offline s004kcg

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2016, 08:17:24 AM »
Like to get some opinions.  I have been reading alot of threads in regards to cz jams and I'm not sure what else to do?

I recently purchased a brand new RAMI BD 9mm. Love the gun but i am getting too many jams.  I ran aluminum cased ammo without any problem BUT I'm having issues with brass cased ammo.  I average 2 to 3 jams per 50 rounds.  Probably had 400 rounds through the gun.  I field stripped the gun, cleaned and oiled it (including the extractor-removed, cleaned and oiled) and still the same issue.  I have used A-zoom snap caps as well and everyone jams, they don't load correctly and sometimes its extremely difficult to eject the cap (can't rack the slide its so stuck).  I have used 4 different magazines, the two that came with the gun and the two from my sp-01 (i have never had issues with the sp-01 mags used with my sp-01), and I get jams in the RAMI with all of them.  Any suggestions and should i be concerned that the gun may need serviced?  thanks for your time.

Offline cntrydawwwg

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New Rami Jamming
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2016, 04:15:39 PM »
   Have you tried the plunk test?
   Is the brass ammo factory or reloads?
   Have you polished the feed ramp?
     Are your mags clean?
Strange that snap caps jam. Are the jams the same, with all ammo, i.e. stuck slide?
   It may be that your pistol has to go back to CZ.
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Offline s004kcg

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2016, 04:43:34 PM »

thanks for the response.  I did not try the plunk test and the rounds are new.  i was having issues with magtech rounds but lawman worked well.   mags are clean and yes i polished all the internals i could get to including the feed ramp.  as an update, after this i put 200 rounds of the magtech through the gun and it was beautiful, no jams!!!!  thanks for the advice!!!  i am still scared to try the snap caps.

Offline Rem 3200

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2016, 12:08:18 AM »
Great thread as I am having the same problems with my new RAMI. I'll try all of your suggestions on mine.

An update to my problems and what seemed to fix them:
1.Field strip it, remove the grips and go at it with gun scrubber or brake cleaner. Don't stop
until the excess scrubber runs clean. Let it dry completely. then over lube with a quality gun oil.
Then I used compressed air to blow the excess oil off. When putting it back together an extra drop
or two on the rails and other high stress points. The feed ramp on mine was already highly polished.

2. The magazine springs turned out to be the weak points on mine. The 10 round now has a
Woolf 5% extra power spring for a CZ Compact/P-01.
The 14 round magazines now have Woolf 10% extra power springs for a full size CZ 75B.
Yes they fit and you can still load 14 rounds. :>)

The deep cleaning and extra lube during brake in and the above springs have fixed mine.
It now has 1300 rounds thru it, with the last 1000 being 100%.

It's really a neat little pistol.
CSM, U.S. Army (Ret),  1963-1990

Offline bmrshoot

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2016, 09:19:58 AM »
everyone has been suggesting issues with the gun, nobody has suggested his form. #1 cause of feeding issues in compact/sub compacts is the shooters form. ( regardless of how many other pistols or tens of thousands of rounds you have fired before with no issue). Chances are, there is nothing wrong with that pistol. Have a few friends shoot it or a few random people at the range and see if the issue still exists.
CZC Accushadow, 2075 RAMI

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2016, 12:15:10 PM »
Welcome bmrshoot.
    Your correct that shooting form did get overlooked. Roughly 8 out of 10 times, the issue with a new CZ (especially a Rami) seems to come down to cleaning and lubing. So speaking for my self, I've become complacent in concentrating on only that issue first.
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Offline Rainsong

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Re: New Rami Jamming
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2016, 01:53:48 PM »
Hmmm.   I just ordered a RAMI and use Freedommunitons 115gr almost esxclusively for practice ammo.  I hope there isn't a problem.  It cycles fine in my CZ75 and Shield.
Albuquerque, NM (although not really NEW, not really MEXICO!)

CZ 2075 RAMI 9mm
CZ 75B 9mm