"7. May I lawfully ship a firearm directly to an out-of-State licensee, or must I have a licensee in my State ship it to him? May the licensee return the firearm to me, even if the shipment is across State lines?
Any person may ship firearms directly to a licensee in any State, with no requirement for another licensee to ship the firearm. However, handguns are not mailable through the United States Postal Service and must be shipped via common or contract carrier.(18 U.S.C. ?? 1715). Firearms shipped to FFLs for repair or any other lawful purpose may be returned to the person from whom received without transferring the firearm through an FFL in the recipient?s State of residence. FFLs may also return a replacement firearm of the same kind and type to the person from whom received. 18 U.S.C. ? 922(a)(2)(A)."
From ATF FAQ's. I wonder if the common carrier requirement for handguns might make it easier to have your FFL handle it, rather than privately shipping via common carrier to buyer's FFL? Packaging, contracts, etc?
I was laboring under the misinformation that only long guns could go Private seller ---> FFL of buyer.