I wouldn't be surprised if CZ outsourced, like they've done w/ most VZ58s for years now -- in which case, to whom (most likely, Czech Small Arms)?
Which also leads to curiosity as to whom all the VZ58s are being sent to? Large military orders? Middle East? Eastern Europe? Africa? Asia? US Military Contractors? Etc?
Am not aware of much VZ58 use in Central or South America. Believe Cuba had some at some point, but most C/S America weapons tend to be American/NATO castoffs back to WW2 or slightly post, or Kalishnikovs/variants -- a lot flowing through in 70s/80s, and then drug cartels buying a lot of military-grade surplus to present-day standards from the 90s to present (gov't forces obviously largely having current military-grade weaponry as well).
If it's actually CZ making, then it's probably not VZ58-exclusive limiting manufacturing bandwidth, so perhaps less interesting on speculation...