What I can tell you is that you'll want to buy the largest, good quality safe you can afford and still get through your door. After you get a safe you'll discover several hundred additional things to keep inside it... wills (both your own and other family members), jewelry, watches, SD ammo, loaded mags, family silver, precious coins, safe deposit box keys, the list goes on.
Right now I actually have more
chocolate inside my safe than guns. My wife likes chocolate every night, but can't control her consumption. So I lock it up and dole it out 4 pieces at a time. She has definite preferences, so the safe allows me to stock up when her favorite brand can be found.... without the fear of coming home to find a 6 foot pile of wrappers and a comatose wife on the floor.
Fire is much more of a concern than break in. Any safe on the third story of a wood framed home is going to be toast. There is simply too much wood around all 6 sides. Conversely, placing any safe in a corner or tight alcove of a concrete basement is going to double or triple it's fire resistance.
So be smart about where you bolt it down.