Wish I could have started with a CZ, but couldn't. A Glock 19 is my current EDC at this time. Here is why.
Back in 2008 when I went shopping for a 9mm pistol in preparation for acquiring my Oklahoma CWL, I really had my heart set on a CZ-75 Compact, although I also decided that the Gen 3 Glock 19 would be my second choice. Money was tight at the time, so I wanted to buy something with a 0% credit card that I had. My local CZ dealer wouldn't accept credit cards, so I found a NIB Glock 19 from a dealer that would.
So, I've been carrying a Glock 19 ever since. I will never disrespect Glock pistols. I have found them to be reasonably accurate, extremely reliable pistols with a simple manual of arms. I will trust my life with them, for Glocks are "premium" pistols.
Recently, I purchased a Canik C-100 and it has been the most accurate 9mm pistol I own, including the Glock. While not a real CZ, I am impressed! The weight and balance is superb. So, I am now thinking of transitioning from my Glock to a CZ-style pistol. Either my C-100 or an actual CZ.
Have any of you transitioned from another platform to the CZ?
Are you glad you did?
Opinions are very welcome.