Author Topic: ambi safety?  (Read 3779 times)

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Offline Tempestv

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ambi safety?
« on: March 10, 2016, 12:16:09 PM »
What are the options currently for ambi safeties? I know at one time someone made one that you could clock the left side lever so that it would match the safe and fire positions on an AR. Is there anything like that available currently?

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2016, 03:02:26 PM »
What are the options currently for ambi safeties? I know at one time someone made one that you could clock the left side lever so that it would match the safe and fire positions on an AR. Is there anything like that available currently?

Zendl sells one on their web site.  I think RSR (Martin) has experience with some different manufacturers of these.  Perhaps send him an IM if he doesn't post here.

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

Offline Tempestv

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2016, 03:23:02 PM »
My rifle is a vz-2008 if that makes a difference. I know it is possible to widen/adjust the notch so that it works with the different fire control group.
That Zendl looks like what I'm looking for. How do you go about ordering from them?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 03:26:52 PM by Tempestv »

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2016, 03:31:24 PM »
that looks like what I'm looking for. How do you go about ordering from them?

I would recommend to go to their website and or send them an email to ask for cost in USD.  I have had to send them international money bank transfers in the past (bank fees) on a few orders and the FX transfer rate was not to their liking. So get Zendl to provide the conversion rate and quote in USD or the currency of your country (if your not in the USSA).  Their shipping add-on was very high as well. might also carry it, but they are in CZ as well.  Never ordered from them, so I cant say how easy/hard that is. Others forum members have so perhaps they can chime in.

The Zendl TBR/TMR and muzzle brake fit vz2008s, but the ambi saftey make be a different kettle of fish.  Again, I suggest asking RSR, as he knows about ambi-safties.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 03:33:11 PM by CitizenPete »

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2016, 03:43:16 PM »
last time I ordered from vz58rifle I had my order in hand within a few days. The ambi selector lever and railed upper hand guard I ordered from them should be here soon.

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2016, 09:30:43 PM »
Ah, ambi-safeties.  My pet top 5 mod that most don't pursue...  :D

For most VZ2008's the lower shelf/lip sits higher than Czech spec receivers.  So you have to widen around the safety pin hole on the left side to allow the ambi safety to seat -- you'll notice left and right lower shelfs are different widths.  You may also want to widen/bevel the disconnector notch to match what century does as I don't know that the century fcg perfectly lines up to OE locations and/or stays in place as firmly horizontally vs OE configurations...  I think one of the stickies has pics I took of safety differences across Century VZ2008 generations.

In brief, the right side of the safety inserts and functions the same.  The left/ambi side slides into the right side (right female, left male) and has a dovetail of sorts and then locks in place w/ an allen key screw into a notch on the left side's post...  So it's important that width is correct.

Prev discussion of receiver modification.

Some receiver pics for comparison to the VZ2008.

I should have an extra or two in my parts bin.  Not Zendl branded, but made to exact same specs and made in the same factory; just intended for export only to align w/ manufacturing agreements w/ Zendl/Gunexpert (believe it's officially a gunexpert only item) I suppose.  With Euro so weak, price will probably be about the same as vz58rifle (as it wasn't weak when I bought these), but you'd also have currency fees and international shipping...  PM me if interested.  I think another small batch should be available around this summer as well.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 10:52:25 PM by RSR »

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2016, 09:43:46 PM »
*And while I wouldn't necessarily recommend it (uncertain what if any possible issues it could cause you w/ BATF, etc, in various configurations -- not certain on "full auto" thresholds for this weapon system as actually being full auto has never been the actual requirement for batf to define as such) -- there is no reason why one couldn't modify any safety to be forward to fire or have levers in any vertical orientation.  Weld over existing cuts, cut new cuts, etc. 

The main parts you need for function are the lever disconnector/safety/top cover retaining pin leaf spring -- the safety has notches that a knob/ridge on that spring engages when in safe/fire positions.
And then you need a notch/groove when in the proper location corresponding to the safe/fire position notches to allow the disconnector to rise and be able to catch the sear. 

You may also need to dremel out the safety and/or lower shelf for proper function on the right side too -- again, uncertain if lacking that shelf in one or the other directions makes the BATF unhappy.  So long as just working the safety to have just two posssible postions, you should be good I'd think...  But again, wouldn't hurt to get approval writing before mods like these...
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 10:31:32 PM by RSR »

Offline Tempestv

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2016, 10:01:34 PM »
As I understand it, the full auto guns have 2 seperate sears side by side, one for  semi auto, one for full auto. I don't know on other semi only versions, but on the vz2008, they have one  wide semi auto sear that takes up the whole width. I doubt you could make it fire in full auto by messing with the safety. I do know that if you make a notch matching the fire notch, but 180 degrees opposite, you can then fire the gun in both original fire positions, but only in semi auto only. This will work on both century guns, which originally only fired with the safety lever back, and csa models that originally fired with the safety levers forward.

The most difficult issue is getting a lever on the left side of the gun. I haven't figured out a good way to mod the factory safety in that aspect.

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2016, 10:35:19 PM »
CSA guns have a safety that has just one semi auto fire notch if I recall correctly. 

VZ2008s use milsurp safeties w/ semi and full auto notches.

Every rifle configuration imported has certain features that allow it to pass go.  Simply not sure what all those check boxes are and where the threshholds are with this gun...  I've seen folks that leave the full auto sear in home builds...  Yet lack the sear trip lever.  Generally BATF has overly conservative thresholds, but I've not seen them publicly released for VZ58 variants, unlike most other weapon systems.  So it's a "your call on extent you want to CYA" and CYA for myself in even mentioning...

To be clear, dropping in this part as is -- I don't see how it'd be an issue. 

Was speaking more to whether you modify the safety to be like an AR -- push down and forward to move from safe to fire on an AR vs the Zendl/VZ2008 safety (standard semi-auto position actually) being back and up to move from safe to fire....
« Last Edit: March 10, 2016, 11:03:18 PM by RSR »

Offline CitizenPete

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2016, 01:56:10 PM »
This has brought up some interesting discussion points, albeit not directly related to ambi-safeties per se. So, I am not trying to high-jack the thread, but I have always wondered if you could install the complete surplus FCG (it may fit in the CSA models), while eliminating the FA sear, even going as far as to tig weld a spacer "tube" to the left of the S.A. sear to prevent F.A. installation.  Or cutting a portion of the FA DC off rendering it not functional in regards to FA operation.

My guess is some of the issues with gremlins, etc... would disappear and the operation of the gun would be different with the FA disconnector in place.  Is there a method to determine what is a legal configuration with the BATF other than asking then for an infamous opinion letter, or contacting CPUSA (who rightfully wouldn't touch that topic with a 10 foot pole.)?  My uneducated guess is once a configuration is approved, changing anything might be viewed as questionable. 

Which brings up the push down plate (aka tabbed carrier).
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 01:57:51 PM by CitizenPete »

The post above is opinion, and I am probably totally wrong, so please pardon me if I offend anyone in any way. I am speaking only for myself and just sharing my thoughts, not trying to start an argument with anyone, and if you disagree with anything I have said, I concede your correct.

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2016, 02:56:41 PM »
My uneducated guess is once a configuration is approved, changing anything might be viewed as questionable. 


The push down plate/tab doesn't change anything or have any effect on full auto, so I don't see an issue there -- FCG (including dual sears and disconnectors), safety, full auto trip lever, and milled slot for trip lever are the main components for conversion and where worth proceeding cautiously...
To not need tab, you'd need a functional F/A in-battery lever attached to correctly working F/A sear.

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2016, 03:02:38 PM »
For those who are curious -- the Zendl safety works as follows.

1) It's short throw so moves 45* instead of 90*.
2) It's designed for rear to fire configuration.
3) The Zendl position in safe would be the same as an AR 45*/short throw safety in fire, and the Zendl position in fire would be the same as an AR in safe.
4) To reiterate #3:
For the Zendl safety, fire is the same as standard VZ2008 safety -- 90 degrees to the rear (looking at right side of receiver, 9 oclock).  Safe is 45 degrees down from that instead of 90 degrees (straight down); looking at right side of the receiver, 7:30 oclock.  So a shorter throw in a back and up direction to move from safe to fire.

AR short throws are 90 degrees to the rear for safe and 45* down from that -- forward and down for fire. 

So safe to fire positions/movement between the two would be reversed.

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Re: ambi safety?
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2016, 01:19:45 AM »
Received the railed upper hand guard and ambi selector today and as RSR advised the selector will not work with the VZ 2008 receiver as is so some machining will be required. Not a huge deal for me.
The upper hand guard fit extremely tight but matches perfectly the lines of the BB lower however it will not allow for a cowitness with the irons. Sucks but not a deal breaker for me.