Author Topic: And now for something completely pneumatic  (Read 3329 times)

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Offline BDG

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And now for something completely pneumatic
« on: March 17, 2016, 12:49:53 AM »
I was just getting this picture out to a friend of my son who is buying this "MARKER", his mother hates guns so we don't use that word in their household. Thought I would give you fine folks a peek.
Seems like my sons and I have been involved in some type of shooting sport for the last 15yrs.

Smartparts; Custom ION. (I can't even leave a paintball gun MARKER stock   ::))
Milled frame for touch pad controls
HE Bolt
Custom body kit
Freak Barrel Kit
CP Reg and ASA
Blah, blah, blah....

Offline armoredman

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2016, 12:55:04 AM »
High speed remote dye marking device, correct?

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2016, 12:58:29 AM »
Nice kit!

Used to do a lot of paintball and airsofting.

I was not a fan of Smartparts though. I had a Bob Long Intimidator, Vice, and Marq (my favorite). Still have it actually.

I actually ended up buying a rig thinking I was going to get back into it, and I never did :/

I miss it, but it's insanely expensive. Especially with the newer hoppers and guns.

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2016, 01:28:26 AM »
When I get some time tomorrow I'll get some pictures of the Smartparts "Shocker SFT" with Pro Dynasty Tadao board and the complete list of upgrades.

Paint was the expensive part...Like ammo (imagine that). 2000rnds for $45-$55. I shot mainly "All Star", "Marbleizer" and a couple others. I usually shot about 3000rnds for the day.

Armoredman- You are Correct, Sir!

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2016, 05:42:38 PM »
Smartparts SHOCKER

Tournament grade marker. Long list of parts to build what is basically a Dynasty Pro Shocker.
Tadao Dynasty Board runs the gun.
15deg Reg adapter

SlvrDragon50- Bob Long Reg gauge is for the Smartparts haters!  ;D

Offline Tok36

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2016, 06:56:46 PM »
That is not a CZ paint ball gun!  ;D
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline BDG

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 07:05:35 PM »
That is not a CZ paint ball gun!  ;D

That's why it is being sold.  ;D

Offline Techna

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2016, 06:21:59 AM »
Nice kit!

Used to do a lot of paintball and airsofting.

I was not a fan of Smartparts though. I had a Bob Long Intimidator, Vice, and Marq (my favorite). Still have it actually.

I actually ended up buying a rig thinking I was going to get back into it, and I never did :/

I miss it, but it's insanely expensive. Especially with the newer hoppers and guns.
Did you ever attend any major tournaments and have your markers serviced while there, SlvrDragon? Because if you did, I probably worked on them. I was one of Bob's touring gun techs for years and attended every major event held in the U.S. where he had a presence. In fact, if you were part of that scene when the Intimidator was king, you might be able to guess where my user name came from.
Since You mentioned the Marq and the Vice... Here are a couple of mine from back then. Bob paid the touring guys that didn't work at his shop (I live in Texas) in guns. I've lost count of the Bob Long guns that went through my hands. Most I sold immediately as compensation, but for the ones I intended to keep and shoot, I would have my buddy (that was also a traveling tech and good friends with Bob) go by the shop cherry pick bodies and frames in red and either ship them or bring them to an event and I'd build them from parts.

The red guns I put together were always special builds with hand selected parts. When I was finished playing with them, I always was able to get a premium for them when sold locally. Most "gun guys" don't realize that these paintball markers were selling for big money when tournament paintball was at its peak. I had an offer of over 2k for the red Ripper2 in this picture (bottom right) after it was completed. That was for just the gun with no air system or hopper.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2016, 07:08:11 AM by Techna »

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2016, 11:14:15 AM »
Haha. I had about three Tecnha triggers. Incredibly phenomenal although easy to break.
I never got in to tournaments because I couldn't afford the costs of practice.

I really liked my vice but I always had issues with it, and I ended up pickin up a Marq just because it was cheap and if looked awesome. It was a gorgeous dust white fully loaded with 4c eyes, critical trigger, supercharged engine, etc. that one never failed.

I was also really into pump but it was too hard playing with electros with my pump when I played with decent people.

My first real one was a ND intimidator but I had so many problems with the screw breaking the wall in the LPR. Though the BL service is what kept me coming back. I paid 50 for repair, but they kept repairing it like 3-4 times for free. One time They even over nighted it to arrive in the morning just so I could play with some friends.

Offline Techna

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2016, 01:17:36 PM »
I eventually switched entirely to pump play. Started playing with Pumpenstien and on our practice run up to the NSA Nationals, we would bang heads with any 5 man team we could get to play us. Since there were no tournament level pump teams in our area, that meant playing against teams shooting "fast guns" most of the time. Rules for the NSA Nationals said we could only load our gravity feed hoppers from 10 round tubes, and there was a paint limit to deal with, so that's how we practiced. Playing a good D2 team that was shooting guns with noticeable trigger bounce at 15bps and seemingly unlimited paint wasn't always fun, but we were going to be facing the best pump teams in the country, so..... Must have worked, because we beat the LA Hitmen in the finals to win. As much as I like and respect those guys, it felt good to go out to their backyard and beat them. This is a pic from one of our practices at our field. Good times!

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2016, 01:29:16 PM »
Ah dang really? That's friggin awesome!

I had a CCM S6 that I absolutely loved. I started to thin down my collection and ended up keeping only my Marq which I ended up selling anyways.

I tried stock class with a phantom and it was awful haha. I can't do reloading with the tubes into a tube. And I didn't like the pump stroke on the phantom either.

I really loved how you could go by a whole day with only a bag of paint with pump. I'm just not in good enough shape to go against electros, and I've severe hurt my ankle ligament so I roll my ankle pretty much every few games.

I always think it's funny how people get into paintball with all the electros and then pretty much everyone eventually gets a pump :P

Offline BDG

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2016, 04:55:41 PM »

Techna, Excellent add-on to the post. You were clearly deeper into the sport than we were.
We played purely recreational. Pickup games on the speedball fields or any open scenario fields we could use. We generally played twice a month with a group of 7 regulars and a few 50%'ers.

SlvrDragon50, your closing comments on pump guns and rolling your ankle are crazy because they describe  my situation exactly.
After a few years of all auto, I was getting tired of shooting walls of money (I was purchasing paint for myself and 2 kids) at the opponents and wanted to increase the hunting/stalking aspect of the game. So, I purchased an Autococker Karnivor pump. After getting shot up by the Autos for a few months I began to get the hang of it. After a final year of playing a combo of pump and auto my right ankle just couldn't take it anymore. The fish oil covering the fields and scenario buildings and cover was just too slippery and pivoting on that surface meant injury far too often.

Offline SlvrDragon50

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2016, 09:33:55 PM »
Yea, my problem was that the fields would always have ruts near the bunkers and on the lanes from bunker to bunker. When I went to PT to get my ankle checked, my PT asked me to flex my ankle thinking I wasn't trying, but I was trying my hardest haha.

Autococker Karni is awesome. They're absolutely beautiful.

If you're still into it, you should look into CCMs, absolutely the best pumps on the market.

Offline BDG

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2016, 10:30:07 PM »
I haven't played in about 2yrs and none of the regulars are playing much anymore. Kids are busy in college and Sr. in HS Band/Drum Line.
I have officially switched hobbies to IDPA so my free time and most of my fun money is no longer available for PB. I also have accepted the fact that I no longer have the speed, agility, knees, ankles... needed to keep PB interesting and competitive.

As for markers...The Shocker and a Proto PMR are the only two markers left to sell. The ION is in layaway for one of my sons friends...he's saving as fast as he can. The Karnivor was sold to a friend about a year ago. He borrow it for a pump game and after having it for 6mo he convinced me I didn't need it anymore with a deal I couldn't refuse. Now I can borrow it from him.  ;)

Offline Techna

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Re: And now for something completely pneumatic
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2016, 02:00:47 AM »
It's so cool to hear you guys talk about your appreciation of pump play! Also cool BDG to know that you played with the kids. Paintball turned my son from a surly, brooding, 7th grader into a kid who was social, competitive and focused young man. We played together almost every weekend and he became a quite good tournament player for a number of years. His team played several national events and was always a contender in their division. Paintball was a huge part of our lives and allowed us to build bonds that have never wavered. Neither of us have played for several years now, but we often talk about those days. I hope to get him into 3-gun and/or IDPA someday.
SlvrDragon, my CCM Series 6 is the only gun I have left and I can't bring myself to sell it.

This is a video a local news channel did on my buddy. They could only do the shoot on a weekday morning so Jason and I were the only ones that could make it. You don't have to know much about paintball to know that we were just shooting at air for the camera!
This is a video of one of our pump days at the field. I do something stupid at about 3:12 and take a ball to the head for it. :)