Author Topic: World-Legal Scorpion Features  (Read 13437 times)

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Offline Obiwan

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #15 on: March 20, 2016, 01:15:31 PM »
Hmm.... sounds like the weld is only holding the trigger cage in the trigger housing? Which means you still can replace the whole trigger housing, correct? Sounds like CZ should be able to cross-ship just a compete trigger housing without one having to send the whole gun. Or CZ Customs/CGW could replace the complete housing with an updated trigger group. I'm curious if we will see complete aftermarket trigger kits+housing.

Offline techspec6

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #16 on: March 20, 2016, 02:18:39 PM »
No matter which way you look at it, the success of the scorpion is due to the US market.  Now that the firearm is successful, the US market will be punished for its success.


Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2016, 03:27:17 PM »
No matter which way you look at it, the success of the scorpion is due to the US market.  Now that the firearm is successful, the US market will be punished for its success.

That's a very American-centric view.  CZ is a global company.  I don't know what percentage of their business the U.S. market is, but I know they have contracts in other parts of the world.  For them to ignore other countries importation laws does not make sense, either.

Offline armoredman

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2016, 05:13:32 PM »
I was actually surprised that the Scorpion is/was a critical civilian success overseas, but it is nice that it IS so popular. I didn't think there were really that many nations that would allow civilians to possess a Scorpion, but I was apparently quite wrong on that one. Ask my wife - I've been wrong before and WILL be wrong again, just a matter of time.
I don't think the US market will be "punished" per se, but that we'll have guns that will meet other countries standards as well as our own. I don't anticipate anything REALLY weird yet, and we can still get the standard capacity magazines shipped in to 2A compliant US states.
The US market is very important to CZ-UB, but it didn't start out that way - we the American consumers made it that way. ;) There are entire lines of products aimed at the US market and have been for years. The interesting thing to keep in mind that the Scorpion and the BREN were originally designed for LE and military sales, which are exploding world wide. :) We're getting the happy side effect of awesome pistols and carbines here in the US.

Offline techspec6

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2016, 06:08:35 PM »
No matter which way you look at it, the success of the scorpion is due to the US market.  Now that the firearm is successful, the US market will be punished for its success.

That's a very American-centric view.  CZ is a global company.  I don't know what percentage of their business the U.S. market is, but I know they have contracts in other parts of the world.  For them to ignore other countries importation laws does not make sense, either.

The proof that the US has the largest market share of their business is that CZ-USA was able to acquire another market's (bound for another country/region) shipment of the last remaining 2015 Scorpions.  They wouldn't have done that unless the US market is their strongest and I don't think anyone would argue that it isn't.  If being logical is American-centric, then I'll take it as a compliment.


Offline armoredman

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #20 on: March 20, 2016, 07:29:00 PM »
Might want to qualify that - the last batch of ATFE approved civilian legal Scorpions - that's a much smaller supply than all Scorpions. For the civilian legal market, it is entirely possible the US is the largest market for CZ-UB, but I have no real way of checking the supposition. I'd like to believe it because I am a gun owning American citizen in a Free State, but I've had it beaten in to me to fact check, which I can't do right now.

Offline deadduck357

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #21 on: March 20, 2016, 08:07:03 PM »
I do believe the US market for the Scorpion is high priority for CZ, if not then they wouldn't even be working on a US specific part.

That being said this new news is very deflating. I've been on the list at my LGS for one of the first carbines they get but will be calling Tues. and have them remove my name. This is going to turn into a cluster. We will all be wondering which version is it sitting on the shelves. The lgs employees are going to be looking at us crazy when we ask which version is it and even more so when we ask to look inside and possible disassemble to see before we purchase. At gun shows where purchases are a more hurried affair we will be buying with doubts as to which version it is, only to get it home and discover it's the welded version and now get it ready to ship back to the CZ facility.

Maybe it would just be best for 'us' if they hold off importation. I understand CZ wants to make sales and not delay the cash flow from the unexpected but this move is going to frustrate many in the future.

Edit: Maybe on the welded version CZ could put a "NOTICE" tag on the trigger guard warning suspecting buyers that "This firearm has the World-Legal (welded) trigger" installed.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2016, 09:19:50 PM by armoredman »

Offline armoredman

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #22 on: March 20, 2016, 09:22:52 PM »
A tag added might not be a bad idea for anyone who is that into it - from what I'm seeing there are Scorpion buyers out there who just want the gun, and don't care about the rest of it. Ran in to one at the range this morning. :)
Yes the US market is important or they wouldn't have brought in the Scorpion at all, and they put a lot of work into it right off the bat. I'm not QUITE sure what the "list" of alterations that will be done to be "world compliant" will be - I'll ask.

I edited a post to remove a "shortened" profanity. Let's keep it clean.

Offline Independent George

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #23 on: March 20, 2016, 10:02:58 PM »
Really, this is just another data point in favor of CZ opening up a factory in the US...
CZ-75 SP-01 Tactical; CZ-75 D PCR; CZ-83 Satin Nickel; CZ 2075 RAMI BD; Kadet 2

Offline armoredman

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2016, 06:07:51 PM »
THAT would be the day of days right it here in AZ and I'll run the warehouse, something I have experience with in the past. :)  8)

Offline rreynol

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2016, 01:27:29 PM »
FYI for those of you that that got in on the latest shipment of 2015 Scorpions, I have verified with CZ USA that they have welded trigger cages.  I disassembled mine last night only to find that that my trigger cage retention screw is spot welded to prevent removal.  Hopefully CZ gets their butt in gear otherwise I'll have an approved form 1 and a bunch of CZ parts I can't use due to an non-modifiable trigger (922R parts count).  I'll post a picture later when I get home from work.  Needless to say, I'm pretty disappointed.

Offline deadduck357

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2016, 08:11:23 PM »
FYI for those of you that that got in on the latest shipment of 2015 Scorpions, I have verified with CZ USA that they have welded trigger cages.  I disassembled mine last night only to find that that my trigger cage retention screw is spot welded to prevent removal.  Hopefully CZ gets their butt in gear otherwise I'll have an approved form 1 and a bunch of CZ parts I can't use due to an non-modifiable trigger (922R parts count).  I'll post a picture later when I get home from work.  Needless to say, I'm pretty disappointed.

Yes, please post a pic. Is it only noticeable internally or can it be distinguished externally?

Offline rreynol

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2016, 09:43:08 PM »
It was not distinguishable externally.  Click on the pic for full view.

Offline armoredman

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2016, 10:46:53 PM »
Aha, so THAT is what they're talking about! My last convo with CZ said the new ones will be here as fast as they can get them here, hang tough.

Offline deadduck357

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Re: World-Legal Scorpion Features
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2016, 11:23:02 PM »
It was not distinguishable externally.  Click on the pic for full view.

As I'm new to the Scorpion (don't even have one yet) and for all others that are also unfamiliar could you please highlight the area in question. Something like a red circle or arrow would be helpful.