I was actually surprised that the Scorpion is/was a critical civilian success overseas, but it is nice that it IS so popular. I didn't think there were really that many nations that would allow civilians to possess a Scorpion, but I was apparently quite wrong on that one. Ask my wife - I've been wrong before and WILL be wrong again, just a matter of time.
I don't think the US market will be "punished" per se, but that we'll have guns that will meet other countries standards as well as our own. I don't anticipate anything REALLY weird yet, and we can still get the standard capacity magazines shipped in to 2A compliant US states.
The US market is very important to CZ-UB, but it didn't start out that way - we the American consumers made it that way.

There are entire lines of products aimed at the US market and have been for years. The interesting thing to keep in mind that the Scorpion and the BREN were originally designed for LE and military sales, which are exploding world wide.

We're getting the happy side effect of awesome pistols and carbines here in the US.