As this is my second post on the board today, I wish to say there are a lot of people out there who need to know about CGW and CZ firearms. I had a visit at the VA in Durham NC this week and had on my CGW hat and not one of the 100 or so veterans I passed noticed Davids hat. Even my doctor never said anything about it. I was hoping to spread the word about the brands and not one taker. Plus, I had a delivery this week and was doing a dry fire drill when the delivery was made. Heck, the two delivery guys never heard of CZ. I think David should design a hat with CGW in big bold letters with his alligators between the letters. I think I will order a CZ hat from them because I am sure CZ would not allow CGW to advertise their logo on his hats. And probably another style hat from David at CGW......I am sure most of you out there will think I'M off my rocker, but at my age I don't care, I just wanted to pass along my thoughts......