What fits your hand the best, because it is all about control. Sorry, no one size fits all.
I have used all the CZ factory styles; wood, hard, rubber, aluminum. Had wood; Haken, Houge, Nill, and others. Tried thin, thick, super thin. Used rubber wraparounds by Houge, Pachmyer. Got several different VZ patterns.
What works or doesn't for me; love VZ with tactical diamond pattern since they don't get super hot in the 120 degree summer and stay gripping when my hand is sweaty, like wood for target grips and CCW because clothes don't grab on it, don't like thin grips, don't like rubber wraparounds because they don't fit and place my fingers where I don't want them plus they get slick and soft in the heat. The CZ rubber are OK and I have lived with them on a couple of guns.
I don't buy grips to match a tactical style or offset the finish on a gun, it's all about function first for me.