I met a guy at work who has a NIB 40 B. I saw it yesterdy and it looks great. It's a FrankenGun for sure. He isn't computer savvy and he asked me to look it up and see if there's a market for it. He also has an as new CZ 52. That is a strange piece. Lastly for CZ's, he has a 40P which he has put 200 rds through. He said he likes that one and would have to have $450 to part with it. I like to hear your thoughts on them so I can report back to him. Edit: He showed me so many guns I lost track. He also has a Dual-tone Compact 9mm NIB he'll sell. All steel with black slide and levers and brushed stainless frame.
He has a cool 92 Beretta Biennium (sp) It is a year 2000 commemorative also nib. It's engraved and has a unique fancy grip. And, he showed me a Nagant pistol, never fired, with a cylinder that moves foward to seal the forcing cone. It shoots a 7.62 round.
I have a nice family of CZ's and I'm not interested myself but I told him I help him sell them if possible. I didn't post this in classifieds because I need to know more before I take that step.