Now that I have my CZ-75b and my CZ-P-07, looking to round out my basic handgun tool box with a smaller gun for carry when the P-07 might be too bulky. I'm getting rid of my PT111 G2 to fund my purchase, and because I hate the trigger on it. The mile long takeup just doesn't work for me, so a PT709 isn't really an option. That being the case, $400 is the upper end of my budget and I'd like to spend less.
I want to get something as close to CZ ergos as possible, as I really love my CZs. I want something with a manual safety, as it is what I have trained with and know. It can be debated all day, I know, but it is what it is.
I'm leaning towards a S&W Shield, and also considering a Ruger LC9s. I want something kinda similar to a CZ trigger in single action, but can't get my hands on either of them to shoot. I've held both, but not shot either. I know the Shield had a heavier trigger but from what I've seen on line the stock trigger isn't horrendous although some people don't like it. I've seen the LC9s mentioned as having one of the best triggers in a subcompact, so I'm really considering it. I don't like the magazine safety and relatively complex takedown, and the fact it only comes with one mag.
I'm interested to hear experiences with one or both, and if there's an option I'm overlooking.