I find the thumb safety highly overrated. I love the S&W 39 series. It was a slim cc pistol decades ahead of its time. I would own one, but I abhor the slide mounted safety. As mentioned, it operates reverse of the 1911/CZ75 style frame mounted safety (one of the reasons I tried CZ). My Beretta M9 kept moving the safety when I drew from the holster.
I EDC a Walther PPS. No safety, but incredibly easy to conceal, shoot, accurate, and reliable. The trigger is a 6 out of 10 out of the box. After break-in, it is a 9 on the striker fired scale, a 10 on the DA scale. If I didn't have a PPS, I'd buy the Shield and then the Bersa BP9cc.
Too bad there isn't a RAMI single stack.