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Offline Wobbly

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Forum Rules & Templates: Read This First
« on: May 01, 2016, 06:42:25 PM »
Welcome Aboard !!

The Ground Rules
The prime objective of the Ammo & Handloading sub-forum is to help shooters, like yourself, make the most of their CZ firearms. We have a whole host of regulars who generously give of their time to help YOU with YOUR CZ firearm and ammunition issues. Here are some helpful ideas to keep in mind...

> Be inquisitive. The only "stupid questions" are the ones that didn't get asked.

> Be polite. YOU have the problem. WE are volunteering to help. If you don't like the response, then please ask more questions. But DO NOT shoot the messenger!

> Be civil. Please keep it focused on ideas, and not people.

> Be mature. In the process of helping, you may get corrected. This is intended to be a critique of your process. Who you are and what actions you have taken are 2 separate things.

> Be patient. Un-learning bad habits or un-true assumptions can be difficult. Learning is always hard, but in the end you'll become a better shooter and reloader. In some cases this may take more than a week. Hang in there !! You can speed things up with information.

> Share. If you have a product that is so good that you need to tell us about it, then take the time to post a hyperlink so that others can find it on the web.

> Be clean. Unlike other web sites you may have visited, we have a Zero Tolerance for foul or abusive language, arguing, or "hate speech" based on age, religion or country of origin. We also don't allow political expressions in this sub-forum. Violators will win an immediate, all-expense paid 30-day suspension.

> Observe common web etiquette.
• Thread hijacking will not be tolerated.
• If you ask a question or want to tell us some exciting news, then by all means post a web address so that we can refer to the same web site.
• You might need to use an acronym, abbreviation or initials in the title to save space. However, don't make your audience guess. Spell it out within the body in plain English so that we can easily decipher what you mean and enjoy the good news.
• Don't post photos wider than 650 pixels. A "picture can be worth 1000 words", but only if your reader doesn't need to struggle to see them. To post images correctly, see our new Image Guide.

As was said at the beginning... Help us help you.

Welcome  ;)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2023, 07:55:12 AM by Wobbly »
In God we trust; On 'Starting Load' we rely.

Offline Wobbly

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Forum Rules & Templates: Read This First
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2018, 04:50:42 PM »
Load Report Template

We welcome information developed during your incremental load testing. Especially with new powders or calibers. Before starting a new thread, do a SEARCH and make sure there isn't already a thread on that powder. It really helps others to have all the load data on a particular powder in a single thread. Do this even if you get a warning about being an older thread.

Thread naming convention...  Load Testing: [Maker] [Powder Name] powder   e.g. "Load Testing: Alliant Sport Pistol powder"

Your post should contain at a minimum the following information. Cut and paste the following into your post if you want, but we usually want/need all this information to establish a complete report. In the brackets to the right are example answers.

Caliber:  9x19 Luger
Bullets:  Precision Delta 124gr JHP
Brass:    Mixed
Powder:  Alliant BE-86
Max Velocity:  1175 fps
Primer:  Federal Small Pistol
OAL:     1.110"
Pistol:    SP-01 Tac
Qty:      10 rounds each, slow fired
Weather:  70F and highly overcast
Chrono:  ProChrono

Load      Avg Vel           SD
4.7gr          995              13
4.8           1033              11
4.9           1053              10
5.0           1071              14
5.1           1093              14

NOTES  [Insights are always appreciated]
• Metered very well due to small grain size
• Burned remarkably clean, even at 4.7gr
• Attribute the low SD numbers to the powder and not my reloading technique
• Recommend 4.9gr for competition and 4.9-5.0gr for general plinking
• At ~4.9gr the sights were aimed true for 50 foot targets

Thanks !  ;)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2022, 10:29:16 AM by Wobbly »
In God we trust; On 'Starting Load' we rely.

Offline Wobbly

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Forum Rules & Templates: Read This First
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2020, 06:41:20 AM »
Request For Help Template

A lot of reloading issues experienced by new CZ pistol owners can be easily solved by simply learning about more advanced reloading techniques than what you've previously used. We have a full library of hints and techniques you should read first. You can easily access more reloading information by opening the DIRECTORY stickie at the top of the A&H forum.

However, should you need additional help, we'll be more than glad to assist. Your initial post should contain the following minimum information. Cut and paste the following into your post if you want, but we usually need all this information. As per the previously stated forum etiquette, please do not use abbreviations. In the [brackets] to the right are example answers we typically consider complete.

> My CZ pistol/rifle model is:  [example... SP-01 Tactical]
> The caliber of my CZ is:  [9mm]
> My CZ has the following changes:  [8# hammer spring, CGW hammer]
> I use this CZ in the following ways:  [IPSC competition, general plinking, carry or SD]
> I want ammo accurate at:  [25 feet at Power Factor 130]

> I've been reloading for months/years:  [Just started, 500 rounds completed]
> Fully describe the maker, weight, and type bullet:  [Berry 124gr HBRN] 
> Powder (brand name and load range):  [Winchester 231, usually between 3.8gr to 4.3gr]
> Primer:  [Winchester SPP]
> My Cartridge Over-All Length is:  [aiming at 1.125", with results from 1.123 to 1.133]
> Or, if your issue is with Factory ammo, just plainly state what it is  [Federal 124gr FMJ #15237]

Reloading Equipment
> Press brand and type:  [Lee Classic 3-Position Turret]
> Dies:  [Lee 3-die set]
> Scale:  [digital Wombat 2000]
> Powder Measure:  [Lee Auto-Drum]
> Do you have access to a chronograph ?  [Y/N]

Other Info
> Exactly what is your load data and where did you get it ?  [W231 3.8-4.6gr from Hodgdon web site]
> What load manual do you use ?  [Lyman #48, hardbound with the nude centerfold]
> Where are you located ? Is your locale in your profile ?  Why not ? [North Florida]

Problem Area
> A detailed explanation of the problem you're experiencing. Please try to be concise. State facts.
[About every tenth shot my gun fails to go into battery. When this happens the slide is jammed and very hard to open. The round is jammed halfway into the chamber.]

Help us help you! You may not understand why we need this information, but often times the equipment or components behind the ammunition create the issue that only shows up in the gun. So rather than find out 3 weeks later that your issue is caused by a known problem, we'd rather know up-front and diagnose it quickly for you.

As was said at the beginning... Help us help you.

Welcome  ;)
« Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 07:14:04 AM by Wobbly »
In God we trust; On 'Starting Load' we rely.