Author Topic: STIFF slide release--UPDATE  (Read 8001 times)

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Offline kevlars

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STIFF slide release--UPDATE
« on: May 02, 2016, 10:29:27 PM »
My new RAMI's slide release is very stiff.  I can't even release it with my thumb.  I have to use both thumbs or pull back while I manipulate the release.

Has anyone else experienced this? 

I have cleaned the pistol, and lubed it up.  I haven't shot it much, just one trip to the range so far.  It seems to be getting marginally better. 

Any ideas?


As was stated, with the magazine loaded, the slide released fine.  It is not as easy to release as my SAR 75 clone, but, not horrible.  Also, after a couple trips to the range, it is even better.

It just took some breaking in, I guess.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 10:09:11 PM by kevlars »

Offline cntrydawwwg

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2016, 11:07:29 PM »
Mine was pretty stiff when I first got it. Just kept working it and all is good now.
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Offline Rainsong

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2016, 11:28:16 PM »
How many rounds?  Put 300 rds through it and will get easier
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Offline Troublesx10

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2016, 11:40:46 PM »
I believe you can keep the slide locked back for a period of time and it should also speed up the process of breaking it in.

Offline kevlars

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2016, 12:18:20 AM »
I have probably put 50-75 rounds through it so far. 

I'll keep working it, and see how it goes.  I am sure it will probably wear in fine.  I was just wondering if there was any polishing that could be done on it.

Thanks for the replies!!

Offline Ruber

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STIFF slide release
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2016, 12:30:32 AM »
First, i look for any burrs or sharp edges and knock those down. Then I get mineral oil pretty cheap and give the gun a bath with it (without the grip panels) and work the slide and controls, clean, blow off, and repeat.  The oil gets pretty dark with metal bits, it's like a lapping compound.  I do that until the oil runs off clean then blow it off and lube as directed.

It's like putting 500 rounds down range for $5.00.  That can really smooth it out.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 12:37:46 AM by Ruber »

Offline kevlars

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2016, 07:20:26 AM »
I've never heard of the mineral oil trick.  I may give that a try.


Offline Ruber

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STIFF slide release
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2016, 08:09:37 AM »
I've never heard of the mineral oil trick.  I may give that a try.

Any affordable lubricant works, lots of people use mobile one, mineral oil is the base for lots of machine and gun oils (just without thinners and preservatives).  Hoppe's works well too, but anything above that gets really pricey in volume.  High grade mineral oil can be purchased cheap in good amounts at local hardware stores and groceries.

It's a trick I learned over on Rugerforum when there were folks getting the old metal framed pistols to really shoot like a dream.

Some people don't like using petroleum based products (ok, i get it).  I don't know what the good, cheap vegetable or animal oil would be.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 08:25:03 AM by Ruber »

Offline Troublesx10

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2016, 10:10:12 PM »
An update-- I transferred my rami a week a go Thursday, and have only out 50 rounds thru it. When I took it home I cleaned it up good and lubed it with tw25 white gun grease slide rails, and tw gun oil sear, barrel, barrel breach, and hammer spring. My slide release was very tight just like all the other people are reporting here on this thread. I could not release the slide with my shooting thumb alone with a magazine in the well.
Moving forward- I loaded the magazine with snap caps, and locked the slide back and stored it in my safe. I have left it like this for about 4 days. I can now release the slide with my shooting hand thumb without effort (with a magazine in the well)- where as before it took me considerable effort and 2 fingers to u lock slide with a magazine in the well.
Hope others find this helpful.

Offline flphotog

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2016, 08:05:26 AM »
Did you notice that the manufacturer calls that part a "Slide Lock" not a release, like most other manufacturers?

Offline Troublesx10

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2016, 10:10:45 AM »
Did you notice that the manufacturer calls that part a "Slide Lock" not a release, like most other manufacturers?

I am not sure what your communicating or attempting to imply. Correct cz nomenclature? Am I to say thank you for this insight or correction? If we are in the mood for correction or correct nomenclature: Sig sauer notes it as a slide catch, fnh references as a slide stop as does glock. Also it is worth mentioning that cz utilizes the term "slide stop". See below, page 11- part # 69.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 10:17:45 AM by Troublesx10 »

Offline Ruber

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STIFF slide release
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2016, 01:38:49 PM »
From the manual...
Thumb down the slide stop with the shooting hand...
Ha!  Teach me to not read manuals, thanks for the post Troublesx10, glad it's working for you.

Never thumbing down the slide stop until I started shooting the SP01, i never thought it much of an issue. This is getting me thinking about a beefier or extended slide release for my RAMI think I'll burn some more powder and see how it goes...  I sure like the release on my SP01 though!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 01:55:44 PM by Ruber »

Offline Troublesx10

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2016, 04:15:23 PM »
From the manual...
Thumb down the slide stop with the shooting hand...
Ha!  Teach me to not read manuals, thanks for the post Troublesx10, glad it's working for you.

Never thumbing down the slide stop until I started shooting the SP01, i never thought it much of an issue. This is getting me thinking about a beefier or extended slide release for my RAMI think I'll burn some more powder and see how it goes...  I sure like the release on my SP01 though!

I hope it helps.  I don't like my guns stiff or operating in a manner where they require more effort than they should. I learned that trick on the fn forum- where I read other people were having a hard time with the sub-compact fns "SLIDE STOP". It solved the problem for them and other newer pistols with similar problems.  It also helps save money spent on ammo and or at the range.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2016, 04:26:44 PM by Troublesx10 »

Offline Obiwan

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2016, 06:23:46 PM »
When the magazine is empty, and the follower pushes the slide-stop up, attempting to release the slide is harder since you have to push against the pressure from the magazine spring.

When the magazine has at least one round in it (like a snap cap), or no magazine is inserted, the slide release should be pretty easy to operate.

So, when you say, your magazine release is hard to operate, do you have an empty magazine inserted? If so, that's normal.

Offline Troublesx10

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Re: STIFF slide release
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2016, 07:07:44 PM »
When the magazine is empty, and the follower pushes the slide-stop up, attempting to release the slide is harder since you have to push against the pressure from the magazine spring.

When the magazine has at least one round in it (like a snap cap), or no magazine is inserted, the slide release should be pretty easy to operate.

So, when you say, your magazine release is hard to operate, do you have an empty magazine inserted? If so, that's normal.

It is still stiff without rounds in the magazine - but not as stiff as before.