Author Topic: New 97 B, wow!  (Read 3416 times)

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Offline robert1804

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New 97 B, wow!
« on: May 17, 2016, 11:58:21 PM »
Got a new 97 B from Buds yesterday and shot it today. Also took along an STI .45 Trojan 5" 1911 for comparison. Shot both guns bench rested at 15 and 25 yards, plus some off-hand at 7 and 15 yards. I had 200 reloads and a few AE factory ball ammo.

I was surprised that the CZ was as accurate as my 1911 with most loads and better with a few. The best two groups were from the CZ, one at 3/4" @ 15 yards and one at 1 7/8" at 25 yards, both rested and using range brass. The better sights and trigger of the 1911 were better for slow off-hand fire but the CZ was better at faster fire for sure! That's when the weight of the CZ is an advantage for me.

As for the CZ, first the good. It cycled perfectly with hollow point XTP's and FMJ. The gun arrived in perfect condition. Felt recoil is very light, even with fairly warm loads. The thin aluminum grips work for me (medium size hands) and look great. Since it's not a common gun where I shoot, two people asked me about it. The target that came with the CZ showed a 111mm group at 25 meters. It's doing much better than that for me.

Now for the bad. The sights are only fair. POI is about 2" high and 1" left at 15 yards. The trigger isn't as good as a 1911 but it's better than my CZ75 B was when it was new. The 75 has 1200 rounds now and the trigger  actually pretty good now. I expect the 97's trigger to get better with use although it's not too bad now.

I am going to try some various bullets that don't feed well in two poly framed 45's I have. Interestingly, the manual recommends against LSWC bullets but I'll try some plated and jacketed SWC's for feed and accuracy. It's a pleasant surprise to get an accurate pistol out of the box. I've bought enough new guns this year and good accuracy is not a given thing. To sum up, I really like CZ's and this gun has exceeded expectations.

Offline Sooltauq

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2016, 12:06:24 AM »
The trigger will smooth out after a few hundreds rounds. My 97BD came with Meprolight sights that were just great out of the box.

You've probably discovered the downside to a 97, which is that you'll never look upon 1911s the same again. Yes, 1911s have wonderful triggers, but IMHO, the 97 beats them in all other aspects (and you can get a trigger mod that will equal or better that of the 1911 if that is your desire).
CZ 75 SP-01, 97, P-01, PCR, P-06, P10C

Offline bigdipper

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 12:42:32 AM »
One of my shooting buddies just bought a $3K 1911 from one of the big name shops.  He was just a little disappointed when my 97b grouped better than his $3K + pistol @ 25 yards.

Offline Joe L

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2016, 07:18:01 AM »
Glad you are enjoying your new firearm.  It is a great value and a fine pistol.  I use one in our local bullseye matches.  It is always a surprise to the 1911 fans at the matches.  Most have never even seen one.   I haven't cleaned a target in a match with mine yet, but I'm pretty close.  I haven't cleaned one in a match with any firearm, not even the 22.  I shoot a Kadet in the rimfire match on a 75B frame.  I am not outgunned, that's for sure. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline Sooltauq

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2016, 12:18:52 AM »
One of my shooting buddies just bought a $3K 1911 from one of the big name shops.  He was just a little disappointed when my 97b grouped better than his $3K + pistol @ 25 yards.

Doesn't surprise me at all. My two beautiful Kimber 1911s have become safe queens since I got my 97BD.

And to think that I could have bought three new 97s for the two 1911s . . . blech!
CZ 75 SP-01, 97, P-01, PCR, P-06, P10C

Offline slikshoes

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2016, 07:29:44 AM »
I've been obsessing over buying a decent 1911, but this thread makes me wonder if it will just result in me complaining that it's not as good as my 97BD.

Offline Joe L

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2016, 09:06:18 AM »
Watch this and then decide if you really want a 1911...(everyone should have ONE 1911, at least in a safe.)

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline Earl Keese

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2016, 10:17:12 AM »
I think the best thing to do is buy a 1911 in a different caliber than the 97. Mine is 10mm and I love it.
In .45ACP there can be only one.  :)

Offline olfarhors

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2016, 10:25:58 AM »
I don't know?
 I got a few 1911 in 38 Super, one in 10 MM, and a half dozen plus in 45 acp and it seems the 97 BD gets more range time than any of them.
for a fixed sight DA/SA weapon its a pleasure to shoot, makes a  half blind old guy smile and look good at the range.

Offline longgonedaddy

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2016, 06:36:59 PM »
I have seen a CZ 1911 in a LGS.  No, not a DW...but a CZ.  They apparently were only made in 2015 or so.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2016, 09:43:05 PM by longgonedaddy »

Offline robscz97b

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2016, 12:03:49 AM »
Now for the bad. The sights are only fair. POI is about 2" high and 1" left at 15 yards. The trigger isn't as good as a 1911 but it's better than my CZ75 B was when it was new. The 75 has 1200 rounds now and the trigger  actually pretty good now. I expect the 97's trigger to get better with use although it's not too bad now.

Hi Robert,

I got my 97B about a month ago and here's a post I did about the sights - I've changed out both front and rear sights and the Cajun Gun Works are great!!  Here's the post's link:

Hope you continue to shoot well with it!


Offline nushooter64

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2016, 08:24:17 PM »
I just got a 2004 version and i'm super excited.  I've been shooting my old school Ruger p90 while searching for a 97b.  I'm glad to be a part of the 97 cult.  A great gun!

Offline robert1804

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2016, 09:49:37 PM »
 Hey, robscz97, thanks for the link! I did drift the rear sight to get windage set. Wound up ordering a shorter factory sight to get the POI down. Now it's spot on for windage and just slightly low. It had a #6, I put in a #5 and just lucked out with windage first try.I'll likely put some more target oriented sights on soon. I also  got some CZ rubber grips for the 97. They do fit me better than the nice looking aluminum ones.

 I just got a new DW Valor 45 5" black finish. DW says to break it in with factory ball ammo. Took the CZ 97 and the Valor to the range with some handholds for the CZ and some WW white box for the Valor. Ran 140 WW rounds through the Valor. Accuracy was not very good. I tried 10 of the WW rounds through the CZ and it was two of the best 5 shot groups I've seen from the CZ 97! The DW Valor did VERY well with some reloads later on.

 I still love my 1911's but the CZ is only some better sights and well broken in trigger away from being a superb shooter. And the trigger IS getting much smoother....

Offline Joe L

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Re: New 97 B, wow!
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2016, 10:55:11 PM »
I had high score today in our local bullseye match with my 97B"E".  Shot a couple of 98 score targets.  Very windy day, lots of folks had trouble with the wind.  The weight of the 97 B"E" is a real help on a windy day.  The 97 and the 75B with the Kadet aboard ran 100%. 

I hope to "clean" a match target before Christmas, using one or both of the CZ's. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR