Author Topic: Question on 97BD Magazine Functioning Properly  (Read 1935 times)

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Offline 11Bravo

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Question on 97BD Magazine Functioning Properly
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:34:16 AM »
I have a brand spanking new CZ 97 BD 45 ACP and I really like it. I have an issue that's probably not a lasting one but wanted to check with others for an opinion. The issue is with loading a full magazine clip into the weapon. All of my magazines are 10 rounders. After I load a magazine with 10 rounds and insert the magazine into the magazine well the magazine does not fully seat. You don't hear the click associated with the magazine being locked. In fact, the magazine falls from the well. In order to get the magazine to seat with the click I either have to remove one bullet or pull the slide back and engage the slide release, insert the magazine, then release the slide release and chamber a round. The pistol will not otherwise let me insert a fully loaded magazine without chambering a round unless I remove one bullet. I have 5 CZ magazines and 5 Mec-Gar Magazines. All magazines have the same issue. I'm guessing that the magazines, due to their being new, the springs are tight and may take a while to loosen up and then they will seat properly.

Do any of you have any thoughts or viewpoints? Thanks

Offline BDG

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Re: Question on 97BD Magazine Functioning Properly
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2016, 02:56:59 PM »
I have a brand spanking new CZ 97 BD 45 ACP and I really like it. I have an issue that's probably not a lasting one but wanted to check with others for an opinion. The issue is with loading a full magazine clip into the weapon. All of my magazines are 10 rounders. After I load a magazine with 10 rounds and insert the magazine into the magazine well the magazine does not fully seat. You don't hear the click associated with the magazine being locked. In fact, the magazine falls from the well. In order to get the magazine to seat with the click I either have to remove one bullet or pull the slide back and engage the slide release, insert the magazine, then release the slide release and chamber a round. The pistol will not otherwise let me insert a fully loaded magazine without chambering a round unless I remove one bullet. I have 5 CZ magazines and 5 Mec-Gar Magazines. All magazines have the same issue. I'm guessing that the magazines, due to their being new, the springs are tight and may take a while to loosen up and then they will seat properly.

Do any of you have any thoughts or viewpoints? Thanks

On a new 97BD I experienced a very tight fitting full 10rnd mag. But, it would lock up with a firm push. The issue has relaxed along with the springs on the factory mags.
Another phenomenon experienced with loading mags into the 97 (and other CZ's) is (let's call it) 'auto-loading' whereby the locked-back slide will release and strip the top round into battery when the mag is pushed firmly into place.

Offline 11Bravo

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Re: Question on 97BD Magazine Functioning Properly
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2016, 11:33:03 AM »
Thanks BDG I spoke with CZ yesterday and I was advised exactly what you recommend. In my case it takes a very hard push to get the mag to lock in place. Glad I got that resolved because it was starting to bother me. I have not experienced the second issue as I have only fired 100 rounds to this point. Thanks again