Well, I "know" a little more about it now.
Took it apart and cleaned it and lubed it. Didn't need cleaning. It was about the cleanest new gun I've ever seen.
The finish is worn off the rails on the frame where the slide rides back and forth (fine with me) even before I shot it.
Frame is aluminum (didn't realize that when I bought it, but again, fine with me.)
Sights are night sights. Nice glow, all night long.
Very nice trigger in single action. Very much like my P07 DUTY when I first bought it. I haven't checked pull weights, yet.
The two supplied magazines drop free when the mag. release button is pressed. The CZ 75 magazines I've been buying up in preparation for the P01's arrival do not drop free. I though they were the same magazines but there's some small difference. I'll have to take care of that before I start carrying it.
There's something a little funny with the safety. If I drop the slide to load a round from the chamber the safety goes to the safe position just fine. If I shoot it and then put it on safe, again, no problem. If I start to take up the trigger pull, then decide not to fire it the safety will not move to the safe position. I mean pull the trigger to the point where the firing pin block is lifted, but not far enough to release the hammer. Something else I'll need to figure out/fix prior to carrying it.
I can pull the hammer back slightly and the safety will move into the safe position. The hammer must be moving ever so slightly during that last part of the trigger movement before it fires and the hammer moving is blocking the safety. Or, some other internal part moved, but not the hammer.
The grips are black, like my wife's CZ 75 compact, but these are soft rubber while the CZ 75 compact has hard plastic (?) grips. The look the same but the P01's grip is "grippier" due to the material it's made out of. The front and back of the frame on the P01 are machined with long slots to aid in gripping the pistol, while the 75 Compact's frame is not.
Range report tomorrow with target pictures, once I get my phone out of the car (car's in the garage and it's raining like hell outside).
I like it. Not, so far, in the same league as the P09 9MM, but I still like it.